Monday, November 26, 2012

The Little Things Make A Big Difference

This past weekend, we cast vision for an incredible opportunity for our church as we kicked off "The Little Things."  The Little Things is our Christmas sermon series at Skyline, but this Christmas will mean so much more.  We are embarking on a journey to make a difference in the little things of life.

Often we get so focused on BIG gifts during the month of December that we miss out on the many blessings in store for us through the small things of life.  While this should be, in theory, the happiest time of year for's not for many.  In fact, it is one of the most stressful times of the year for every one of us.

During the stress of the holidays, it's nice just to have a small blessing that will put a smile on our face.  Imagine how great it feels when someone else takes time to make that small difference.  Now imagine how great it feels when you make the difference.  That's what we are going to do through "The Little Things."

Here is our challenge for Skyline Church.  Between now and Christmas day, each person who calls Skyline home is given the mission to do a minimum of 25 random acts of kindness for someone that crosses your path in life.  It could be something done for a friend or a neighbor or even a complete stranger.  I challenge you to be creative in how you share the love of Christ through the little things.  


1.) Do something nice for someone.

Here are a few ideas for you:

-Rake some leaves for your neighbors
-Offer to babysit for a couple down the street so they can have a much needed night out.
-Take a tasty dish to someone who needs a blessing
-Pay for a meal/drink for the person behind you at a fast food restaurant or in the drive through
-Leave a larger tip than normal for your waiter
-Secretly pay for a meal in a nicer restaurant for an unexpecting person/family
-Randomly leave a gift card lying in some obscure place that would surprise an unknowing blessee
-Leave a stack of quarters at the car wash
-Take some doughnuts to a local establishment
-Pay for a tank of gas for a stranger
-Make a small gift basket for a teacher or a co-worker
-Carry out groceries for someone at Wal-mart

These are just a few ways to make a difference in the little things.  Your only limitation is your imagination.  The key is to go out of your way to share the love of Christ in small practical ways.

2.) Give the person you are blessing a "Little Things" card.

If you personally hand the card to someone, challenge them to "pay-it-forward" to someone else in their life.

If you were not able to be at church this past Sunday, you can grab a stack next week at Skyline

3.) Share your story on Facebook and at

We have set up a special page on our website to share your stories of how you were able to bless someone else through "The Little Things".  This can give others ideas they can use to be a blessing to others and it can tell your story of how God blessed you by being a blessing.

4.) Pray for those you bless.

Even if you have no idea who you just blessed, your prayers can make an even greater impact.  We can never fully know what is going on in someone's life, but your small gift could have brightened the day of someone who is broken by the world or inspire someone else to be a blessing to others.

I am so excited to share this little campaign with our church.  It is at the heart of who we are and why we do what we do.  We exist for three things:  Love God, Love Others, and Make a Difference......even in THE LITTLE THINGS!!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Guest Blogger Chris Habermehl: insideOUT Worshipper

From Lance:  I am so thankful for the leaders in my life and Chris Habermehl is no exception.  He is not only an incredible Worship Leader, but he is also a dear friend.  His quiet wisdom is unmatched and is the type of person that, when they speak (or blog), one needs to pay attention and listen.  Hear from Pastor Chris's heart.

Hey! My name is Chris Habermehl and I am the worship pastor at Skyline church. Pastor Lance asked me a few weeks ago to write a guest blog for him. Actually it was more like a strong suggestion. Okay, it was probably more like a command. (From Lance....Come on Chris, it was a gentle Anyway, I thought it would use wisdom and follow orders, so here goes.

I would say that I am passionate person. I would also say my outward actions don’t always portray that.  As a worship leader I understand that a certain amount of “stage presence” is needed in order to keep the people you are leading engaged in worship. Some worship leaders naturally show more energy than others, and being more of a laid back guy I often fall into the category of “others”.   I’m not saying either side is better than the other, it just comes down to being true to yourself as a  worshiper and being who God created YOU to be.

I’ve been making it a habit to watch video of myself and the team to assess what needs work. What I’ve noticed is this: The video of my physical, OUTWARD actions don’t always seem to capture what was truly happening INSIDE my heart. Is this a problem? Maybe. Maybe not.

Everyone worships differently. Some with raised fists, others with folded hands. Some stand and shout, while others sit with quite reverence. Just because someone isn’t raising their hands or shouting doesn’t mean they’re not worshiping. There are some who are flamboyant, who show every physical outward expression and look like the model worshipper sent from heaven, but their heart is full of sin and live a completely different life outside of the church walls. There are also some who are more reserved and aren’t overly expressive, but have a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus, and have a genuine love for God.

Our outward actions alone aren’t where it’s at.  God looks at the heart (1 Sam. 16:7).

On the other hand, I believe our hearts shape our outward posture in worship. So, if our hearts are burning with a passionate love for God on the inside, our bodies will naturally convey that on the outside. Worship is a heart condition. Yes. But I think it needs to be a condition of our heart AND body.

I love my kids Devin and Isabella, and they know it.  And not just because of what’s in my heart, but because I show it to them through physical actions like hugs and kisses and body slams on the couch.  Not everyone shows their love outwardly- I get that. All I’m saying is that we should whole heartedly worship Jesus on the inside and respond naturally on the outside. It will look a little different for everyone. Responding in worship may not feel natural at first, but just like anything else, as we practice it and as we do it – it becomes natural. It becomes who we are. It may not feel natural, but it might be necessary.

God wants all of us. Heart. Mind. Soul. Body.

Let’s let our lives reflect the passion in our hearts.

Let’s live a life of inside out worship.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Life Story

Those of you who know me, know that I love story.  I love the stories of people.  I love to hear the story of Christ in the lives of people.  I want to share with you a story of a friend of mine written free from prose.  Please take a moment to read his story and feel free to share your thoughts....

"Some would say I have walked in darkness, I say, I have been led through it!"  Some would say that I gave up, I say I gave in, & this is what happens when one completely surrenders..." 


It has finally become a reality,
with some honest work, patience, love,
& forgiveness, "Change" is not an impossibility;

It finally became clear,
The "Giant's" in my life were,
"A Closed Mind, a Pharisee's Religion, & Fear"

Abducted by my own lusts & addictions,
No rules, no limits, no restrictions;

Much of my life lived in a panic,
criminal, chaotic & frantic,
Stranded, branded, & abandoned
on an "Isle" called "Manic"

To the metal;

Goin' nowhere fast,
Take "Hostage" & "Tormented"
by "Guilt" & "Regrets" of my own past;

Hiding from "The Son"
Prisoner on the un, because
I deserved to be the condemned one;

The only thing for me to confess,
"Was my utter hopelessness;"

"Bound:" no possible way to get loose,
"To be found dangling beneath
a belt & a noose?"

"Or swallowing just one bullet,
it would be final, quick & complete,"
As always, selfish & self-centered,
only thinking of me;

"Some of this for the purpose of shock
But most, actually not;"

"Addicted, Abducted,
Oh yes, a full blown junkie!"

At times,
the "Strain,"
the "Pain", the "Shame,"
the "Despair," was just too much,
But there was one thing I had to refuse to do,
"I could not, I would not give up!"

What's most important, what I think,
what I believe, or what I feel???
Or could it be all three,
that makes a "Spiritual life,
Fulfilling, Supernatural, & Real?"

For way too long I believed the lie,
"How could God love such a sick, damaged,
dented & demented man such as I?"

How little did I know, "Money Changer's"
of my past, wanted "Complete Control,"
As "Double Minded, Fork Tongued Slanderer's"
slung "Accusations" with "Stones of words & verb's,
shredding the very fiber's of my Tortured Soul;"

"Wearing the title of Shepherd,"
Treating me as a castaway leper;

Labeled me, a "Reprobate,"
Hell, "They don't even know
the difference between love & rape!"

"Prostituting my witness & profaining my name,"
As if through condemning me they would
have something to gain;

Yes, there once was a time,
I let the "Wolves" too close, it was as if,
their "Claws" were wrapped around my mind;

I have found peace by knowing that there is coming a day,
When "they" will "Answer," & "they" will "Pay"

Sometimes the change comes in "Degree's"
When no one else but "God" & "I See's"

In times past; why should I lie?
I begged God, I say I begged God,
"To please let me die!"

But today, I want alllll to know, straight up,
"I drink from the Fountain of Life,
so go ahead drink alllllll you want from my cup;"
"Of alllll the places in the Universe,
The Father to send His Son, "The King"
to heal my heart & to cure my curse;"

Through nakedness, on that Cross,
He bore my sin, He wore my shame,
'Cause even then, somehow, someway,
He knew my name;

The addiction, so deceiving,
Had me bleeding & believing;

It was "Fear" that "Paralyzed" me,
& made it "Impossible" to see;

"That I had been Abducted, by
True Love, Through Pure Blood,

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

This Weekend's Incredible Opportunity

I am as excited about this coming weekend as just about any we have experienced at Skyline Church.  This weekend, we have the honor and privilege to share an incredible opportunity when we commission The Warren family as they embark on an amazing journey to the mission field.

At Skyline, we are passionate about our mission to reach the broken with the love of Christ.  We hold strongly to Acts 1:8 where it says, "you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

We are passionate about reaching our community (Jerusalem and Judea) through our outreach ministry and personal evangelism.  We are passionate about reaching our nation (Samaria) through involvement in church planting.  And we are passionate about fulfilling this great charge given to the church through our participation in foreign missions (the ends of the earth).

This weekend is a benchmark as we send members of our own family out for not just a trip, but a long term mission to the island of Saipan.

I want to challenge our church family to make it a priority to be present and show our support for Jason, Annie, and their family.

Please keep in mind that there will be many guests who will be present for this special service as family members and friends join our church family for the commissioning service.  That said, I would ask that all volunteers park in the rear of the school this weekend to make more room in the parking lot and that we welcome them as we would any first time guest to our church.  

As we have cast vision for making a difference world-wide, this is the first of many more opportunities to come.  As we send the Warren's abroad, we prepare to send our short term medical mission team to Honduras this fall.  As we send our Honduras team this fall, we will continue to prayerfully prepare for more foreign mission opportunities in the future.

My prayer is that we will continue to pursue our passion for a broken world.  I pray that we will continue reaching into our community, investing in church planting, and raising up more and more missionaries to carry the Gospel to a world in desperate need of Christ's love.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Blessing and Tragedy Causes One To Think

I hope there is enough signal down here to upload this...Here goes!

This is the last morning at the campsite. Lucas is still asleep and I find myself in the company of a campfire and God's Word. It has been an incredible week filled with both wonderful memories and tragedy. Most things I wouldn't trade for the world, one thing I wish we're not reality.

Landen and Heath retired early to Grandma & Pa's leaving Lucas and myself alone for one last night in nature. It was a blessing because I was able to have some deep and timeless conversation with my son about manhood and being a man.

My boys are growing up to be men and I don't want to waste any time. Landen and Heath are still learning the fine art of trout fishing. Lucas is close to grasping the intricate details. Lucas got his first knife this week and learned the pleasures of whittling by the campfire. Landen and Heath are still a bit young for a razor sharpened blade, but their time will soon come....all be it to soon.

My children are growing up and this week was a reminder of that through both the memory of a camping trip and the tragic loss of a friend.

Yesterday morning the world lost a shining light in Sarah Roberts Hart. While it has been many years since I last spoke with her, I dare say she was still that same caring and loving person she always had been. As evident by the outpouring of praise for her on Facebook, I feel confident she was still a difference maker through her heart and kindness.

Her life was taken from her by someone else. Random and reasonless I can only think, but her murder certainly causes one to think.

Life is short. It can end at any moment. For some it may come in the end stages of life. For others it may be lost in illness or accident. Still for others, life can be snuffed out due to evil. Regardless, the fact remains that we are not guaranteed one moment.

With that thought in mind, we all should consider a commitment to make every waking second count. The world owes us nothing, but for those of us in Christ, we owe it the responsibility to make a difference.

That difference should be made in the hearts of every man, but even more so in the lives of our children. Sarah leaves behind a husband and three beautiful children. No doubt she imparted to them her heart in the short time she was with them, but let the living never forget to make the most of the time we have with them.

My yearly camping trips with my boys (and my dad) are always a blessing. But this year, the trip went from a blessing to high yielding investment. I am reminded how important times like these are in the lives of my children. More than that, I am reminded of the importance of the mundane.

Our investment can not be made a few times a year. It must be made in the daily adventure of life. I am not guaranteed one more moment with them, therefore I should make the most of every moment with them.

Prayers of thanksgiving for Sarah's life are going up right now along with prayers of peace and strength for her family.

Deut. 6:4-9

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Through The Eyes Of A Guest

I recently began reading a book by Gary McIntosh called "The Exodus Principle" in which he discusses the idea of creating a servant hearted culture in a church family. It is quite possible I could have written 15 blogs about its content and I am not even half way through. This morning however an excerpt caught my eye that I felt led to share with our church and anyone else who cares for that matter. Listen to the experience of a first time guest to a church.

"when we entered the church, people were standing in small circles talking with their friends. Nobody paid any attention to us.

As we stood in the middle of the room, I caught the eye of a man my age, but he was too engrossed in conversation to reach out to someone he didn't know. At last an older woman came and introduced herself, brought us coffee, and introduced us to her husband and then another couple.

When the group broke up, we followed upstairs to the chapel, which was nearly full. Someone gave us a bulletin, but no one showed us where to sit. The only vacant seats were down in front, and we were afraid they might be saved.

We stood there, feeling awkward for what seemed like a long time, but we were again rescued by the woman who had brought us coffee. She ushered us down the aisle and asked some people to move over to make room for us.

One person made a significant difference. It has been months since we visited that church. I remember the pastor was evangelical, but I don't remember anything he said. I do remember the people who didn't have time for us and the one woman and her husband who did. That experience made me appreciate ushers and greeters and people in churches who make an extraordinary effort to tea g out and welcome newcomers."

How often do we find our selves engrossed in our circle of friends that we are oblivious to the new person that is seeking. Does our indifference to them make a difference? It certainly does.

But I thank God for those people who really understand why we exist as a church. As Aubry Malphurs once said, "The church is the only organization in the world that exists solely for those who do not belong to it."

BAM! That is why we exist and we need to make a difference...a BiG difference in that area.

May I challenge each of us (myself included) to put up our antennae for new faces in the crowd. May we step out of our comfort zones for just a moment and focus on the people God has called us to reach.

Outreach doesn't stop in some community event. Outreach continues when they walk through the door. Outreach is not a means to simply get people to come to church. It is a vehicle through which we welcome them in to our family.

So when a guests walks through our door, let us take hold of an incredible opportunity to complete the outreach process and WELCOME them, not to church, but to the family. That's being a difference maker.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The National Day Of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer.  For me, it is a day much like that of Valentine's Day.  It is a day set aside for doing something we should be doing each and every day.  Sadly, prayer is one of those spiritual disciplines that often gets neglected on a daily basis.  It is a piece of our relationship with God that we do not take nearly as seriously or practice as intimately as we should. (Note:  I can be guilty of this as much as the next person at times).

Often we throw around a cliche about Christianity that says, "It's not a religion, it's a relationship."  Relationships require time together, they require investment, and they require commitment.  May we as a people embody those three things in our relationship with Christ.  May we, as the church, take time each and every day to spend time talking to God (and listening to God for that matter).  May we prioritize that time as an investment in our relationship with God, our relationship with our families, and the direction or our country and world.  May we be so committed that prayer becomes a non-negotiable part of our daily life.

All of that said...let us observe this National Day of Prayer with passion.  While prayer should most certainly be part of our daily walk, it is refreshing to know that there is a moment where people around our great country will join together to seek the Father.

As you participate in the National Day of Prayer, may I challenge you to pray specifically for three things.  Pray for the churches of the United Stats, that we would stand strong on our faith, our rights, and most importantly our responsibility to reach out to the broken.  Pray for our families, that they would build a foundation in Christ.  Finally, pray for the leaders of our country that their hearts would seek God in every decision and they He would impart wisdom upon them.

Our present, our future, and our eternity all rest upon the power of prayer.  Let us begin a journey to unleash that power today.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Thoughts For May 6th

This Sunday morning will be a landmark in the history of Skyline Church, when a group of people proclaim in one heart's voice that we are committed to seeing the mission of life change become even greater than we have ever dreamed.  It is not a turning point for our church, but rather a moment of acceleration as we move forward and make preparations for our future ministry.

The step we are taking in faith is a step of preparation because we WILL NOT wait until we have to begin another chapter.  We WILL be ready for it.  As we continue to fulfill our mission of LOVING GOD, LOVING OTHERS, AND MAKING A DIFFERENCE, I believe without a shred of doubt that God WILL send a harvest as we have never seen.

I am thanking God in advance for what He has challenged each of you to do and I am thanking you for a response of faith.  Together, God can do amazing things through our church.

This weekend, I have a challenge for you that is four-fold.  1.) Pray intensely beginning right now, that God will move in a powerful way as we bring our commitments to lay at His feet.  2.) Be there!  If you have plans...cancel them.  If you have a ballgame, go late.  Moments like these are just too important not to be a part of.  This is a journey that we are taking together and I in no way want any person who calls Skyline home to miss it.  3.) Come prepared to celebrate.  When I say celebrate, I am not talking about patty-cakes.  I am talking about unashamed celebration for what He has already done and what He is about to do.  We will celebrate our commitment.  We will celebrate our opportunity.  And we will celebrate life change!  4.)  Bring God your best.  Don't just bring God something.  Offer to Him what He has called you to bring.  Whether large or small, when we bring God our everything.....God WILL DO His thing.

The excitement I am feeling right now and the excitement I have been feeling for months about this moment is indescribable.  I know you feel the same way too.  This will be a weekend that each of us will look back on and give praise to God for because it will be a moment where He gives us the opportunity to leave a legacy of eternity.  Hundreds and Thousands more are waiting in the Harvest and through The Mission Central Project......WE WILL HAVE VICTORY and THEY WILL HAVE VICTORY because God is and always will be on the throne!!!  Let's live radically together for Him!!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Giant Slayers

It's hard to believe it, but The Mission Central Project's beginning phase is almost complete.  What a journey it has been!  I can't even begin to express how humbled I am to hear of how God has moved in the lives of Skyline's people.  I have heard stories of God's challenge as people have asked the question, "Lord, what would you have me to do?"

He has been challenging people to sacrifice in BIG ways for the funding of The Mission Central Project and many have chosen to respond to His direction.  He has been challenging people to step up in making a difference in ministry.  He has been challenging people to turn their lives over to Him.  For me, it has been one of the most incredible experiences in ministry I have ever had.  I pray it has been the same type of experience for you as well.

This past weekend, as I spoke about the giants in our lives, I couldn't help but think of how many in our church family are facing some serious Goliaths.  Whether in the financial realm, the personal realm, or the spiritual realm...these giants can cripple us if we allow them to.  That said, I will echo the points of the message from this past weekend.  God grants us victory through faith as we OFFER OUR SELF TO BE USED.  God grants us victory through faith as we OFFER WHAT WE HAVE TO FIGHT THE BATTLE.  And He grants us victory through faith as we BELIEVE THAT HE CAN DELIVER THOUSANDS FROM GOLIATH.....even through our seemingly insignificant nature.

As we approach May 6th and as we pray that question, "Lord What would you have me to do?", I am praying He will urge the people of Skyline Church to make a difference.  I am praying that God would challenge each of our families to step out in faith financially so that we can make preparations for the future.  Even through the seemingly insignificant, God can do mighty things.  It will take every one of this to make this happen by approaching the throne of Grace through Faith and trusting God as our protector and our provider.

The beauty of The Mission Central Project is that this same question, "Lord, what would you have me to do?" is not limited to our financial commitment.  While the leaders of our church have been challenging our people to make those financial commitments, the challenge has been so much more.  It is a challenge that is always at the forefront of EVERYTHING we do and that challenge is to make a difference.

A simple 3-year sacrificial financial commitment does not fulfill our mission.  That is only a piece of it.  As I have stated over and over, it is not about a piece of is about changed life.  These giants we face, that's where the changed life happens.  May we as Skyline Church be so committed to the vision and mission that God has laid before us, that we would stop at nothing to see the power of Christ prevail in the hearts of those around us.

As we move forward with The Mission Central Project, may we step up financially like we never have before...may we step up in ministry like we never have before...may we step up in reaching out to those around us like we never have before.  When we step up and step out in faith in all of these areas, God moves and giants are slain in both our lives and theirs.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mission Central Sacrifice

As you go through the process of seeking God for your level of involvement in The Mission Central Project, you may have found yourself wondering, "How can we make a difference?"  For some, the answer is easy because God has blessed your family financially more than others.  On the flip side, there are many who may not have that luxury and their level of sacrifice may be more difficult to determine.

This past weekend I spoke a lot about the idea of sacrifice.  A sacrifice could be extreme like selling everything to enter the mission field or something not quite as life altering as adjusting our spending habits.  In reality, sacrifice in its purest form, is defined as "giving up something you love for something you love even more."

For Heather and I, it has been a process of restructuring our budget.  It has not been a painful process in the least for us, but it does involve sacrifice.  Many of your family's are going through some of that same process.

I want to share with you some examples of things people have done to be involved in The Mission Central Project as well as other stories I have both seen and heard about in the past.

For one Skyline family, that decision has come in the form of both large and small sacrifices.  "Small" sacrifices have included a monthly gym membership, a subscription to Netflix, switching coffee brand from Starbucks to Foldgers, and a few more little "sacrifices".   In their mind, it is more important for their family to impact the Kingdom than to brew Starbucks in a coffee pot.  Their decision has also included larger sacrifices such as postponing the purchase of a new car for a couple of years so that the payment could be applied toward The Mission Central Project.

Others have looked at their dining budget to make a difference.  Instead of taking their family to a restaurant 2-3 times a week for a meal (which could cost upwards of $50 for a family), they elect to go out once a week.  Imagine the difference this could make over the course of three years.  $100/wk x 156 wks = $15,600.00...WOW!!!

I have seen people decide to forgo their morning Caramel Macchiato every day.  Let's do the math.  $4.00 per day x 5 days a week = $20/wk.  $20/wk x 156 wks = $3,120.00.  Who knew we could invest so much in Caramel Macchiato.

I know people from my past who have went even further as God has led them.  I know people who have invested a portion of their retirement accounts, sold extra vehicles, cleaned out their garage for a yard sale.  The list goes on and on.  Some of these approaches should not be entertained without seeking God, but as God leads we should follow.  As I have challenged before, ask God what He desires from you and your family.

Below are a few stories from other churches where people have sacrificed to pursue God's mission in their respective churches.  You may find some of them "extreme", but as God leads...he also provides.  Maybe these stories will inspire you to seek God in a deeper way than you thought you might.

Ø   Dave in St. Charles, MS - Emptied his entire college savings account (w/two pre-college students just a year/two away from entering college) in response to the vision and the challenge to sacrifice.  He and his wife believed that it was a necessary step of faith in order to both be obedient to God's leading and to show their children that their total dependence was on the Lord.

Ø  Single Mom - Living on a limited income and trying to raise young children, the vision of the church absolutely captured the attention of a single mom.  She prayed, pouring out her heart, telling God that she wanted to be a part - which she wanted to sacrifice, but needed to have Him to show her how.  She had an ability to bake whole wheat bread that everyone loved.  During her time of prayer, God impressed upon her that she should bake bread and sell it - something she could do from home, without taking on another "job."  She expected to sell a few loaves a week at best.  Very quickly, as others learned that she was baking, she had orders for 100 loaves/week!  By the end of the three years, this single mom had given over $25K to the stewardship journey!

Ø  Bellevue WA - In a recent campaign, an elderly couple in the church, who had previously flown beneath the radar, committed $2M to their church's stewardship journey.  The church was tackling three major projects for children - one locally, one regionally and one cross-culturally.  At their age, they saw this as the opportunity of a lifetime to embrace God's vision for the church while leaving a legacy that will last for eternity.  They have since completed nearly all their commitment in actual giving - less than 10 months after having made it.

Ø  Rita - From a senior pastor in FL.  An elderly lady named Rita, called the office, requesting an appointment.  Rita's husband had passed away recently; both having been in the church for years.  Seemingly a couple of meager means, they had nevertheless been faithful in serving.  Kirk was busy and reluctant to accept the appointment.  He did meet with Rita however, and was overwhelmed when she explained that the church had had a significant impact in her life and the life of her husband over the years.  In fact, he had given his life to Christ as a result of that ministry.  At the conclusion of the story, Rita handed Kirk a check for $1M for the stewardship campaign.  Rita and her husband had been living meagerly for years in order to invest in the work of God at a defining moment.

Ø  14- Year Old Bulls Fan - During the closing weeks of the campaign, a father was leading his family each evening over dinner in a discussion and prayer time concerning their family's expression of sacrifice for the campaign.  The 14-yr old son, an avid Bulls/Michael Jordan fan, had tons of Bulls memorabilia covering the walls of his room.  One evening, the father returned home from work to find the Bulls stuff mysteriously absent from his son's room.  Upon questioning his son, the father learned that "Jonathan" had taken the jerseys, cards, basketballs, etc., to the sports collectible shop after school and sold it all!  At the point in the story, Jonathan pulled out a wad of $100 bills.  The father was on his way to becoming furious, asking his son what had caused him to do such a thing.  The son replied by saying, "Dad, you've been asking us to consider sacrifice - giving up something we love for the work of God at our church.  This is what I love - the Bulls/Jordan stuff.  It's all I had!  I am learning that I should be more concerned about the Kingdom of God than my stuff - this is my expression of sacrifice."  It took a 14-yr old son to drive his parents back to their knees to reconsider their appropriate expression of sacrifice.

Ø  Church in IL - During the vision casting that accompanied all campaign events, a prominent local businessman sensed God speaking to his heart about not only a financial commitment, but an ongoing commitment of ministry service.  In response to the compelling vision, the man and his family made a very significant financial commitment; then took an early retirement in order to volunteer his services in full-time ministry at the church!   As we talk about another primary campaign objective being the expansion of leadership capacity, this story is the personification of that objective.  The church has reaped significant benefits by having this keen business mind on board the staff team.

Ø  Jay and his wife are in public school administration.  As leaders in the campaign, they were committed to lead effectively, i.e., commitment to sacrifice.  At their current stage in life and financial situation, a commitment of $5K for three years was truly an expression of sacrifice.  They saw no way, apart from God's help, that they would be able to complete a commitment that size.  Within one month after making the commitment, their son was home from college for the weekend (Ohio State).  The son asked Jay if he could borrow the family car to take his girl friend to the Cleveland Indians game that night.  Jay had other plans, and told the son that he would have to drive his own car - a "beater" Chevy Cavalier to the game.  On the way to the game, the car was broad-sided and totaled.  The kids were not hurt.  A few days later, the insurance company called Jay to say that they had placed a check for $6500 in the mail.  Jay explained that there must be some mistake; that the car wasn't worth that much.  The insurance company insisted there was no mistake and a couple of days later, the check arrived in the mailbox.  Jay and his wife drove to Home Depot where they were going to buy several things for the house, etc.  As they were getting out of the car at HD, they stopped, looked at one another, and realized that the Spirit of God was speaking to their hearts.  They had prayed during the campaign that God would lead them to an expression of sacrifice, and asked God to make provision.  God was providing all they needed, and here they were, nearly ready to spend it at HD.  They got back in the car, drove to the church, and paid their commitment in full - about six weeks after having made the commitment.  Over the three years, they were cheerfully able to far surpass the original commitment level in their giving.

Ø  CCV (Christ's Church of the Valley) 5th Grade Student - In a recent campaign follow-up meeting with church leaders, the senior pastor reported an inspiring story of a 5th grade student who took the challenge to sacrifice to heart.  He committed $2K to be given over the TWO years of their campaign.  At the end of December, he was able to come to the senior pastor and report that by taking on odd jobs in the neighborhood, after school, on weekends, and after sports practices, that he had just completed his entire commitment - 8 months after making it!  His sacrifice was "time" - the time he normally would have spent with friends, going fun places, relaxing, etc.  In those eight months, he behaved in an "extraordinary manner" for a 5th grader - in order to focus on a "reprioritized" life that had Christ and the Kingdom of God in first place.  The young man intends to continue his new habits and his giving to the stewardship campaign, obviously surpassing his initial $2K pledge.

Ø  East 91st St Student Ministry - The student ministry leadership team spent significant time casting vision and teaching biblical stewardship during the church's recent stewardship journey.  The students responded with a high degree of passion and enthusiasm; embracing the vision and wanting to have a significant role in seeing it achieved.  They prayed and determined that rather than making individual commitments, they wanted to make a "student ministry commitment;" an expression of sacrifice that would be personally challenging and inspiring to the entire church family.  They have purposed to "lead the way" by committed $250K as a student ministry, knowing that even at a young age, they have the unique privilege of leaving a legacy that will last for eternity!

These examples span a tremendous spectrum, but they communicate different ideas of sacrifice and the creativity that some people use when they are committed to the vision of changed life.  Maybe God will allow these stories to inspire you as you seek His will in The Mission Central Project.

Monday, April 23, 2012

A Strong and Courageous Church

I have been challenged throughout the process of The Mission Central Project.  I have been challenged as I prepare and deliver each message for the series.  I have been challenged as we prepared for this part of our journey.  I have been challenged as my family has sought God's guidance in our level of financial sacrifice and I have been challenged through our 21-day Prayer Devotional.

Today's devotional asked a simple question, "Are you dangerous?"  Many of us have never asked that question before, not in the context of our predisposition toward violence or anger, but are you dangerous in the context of the spiritual battle for broken hearts.

Joshua 1 echos a theme of strength and courage.  That's what it takes to be dangerous.  As we seek collectively to take the steps of faith outlined in The Mission Central Project, and even further as we proceed to actually take those steps of faith, spiritual warfare ensues.  When we ask God for direction and begin to follow that direction...that is when we become dangerous.  That takes strength and courage.

It takes strength and courage because when we step out, Satan often steps in.  I have always said that Satan attacks those the most whom he fears the most.  When we take bold steps in life, when we take bold steps in ministry, in faith, in any area...that sends the evil one into a frenzy of fear.  We become dangerous.

It takes strength and courage to press forward.  God's Word says, "no weapon formed against me shall prosper."  It doesn't say maybe or could says NO WEAPON formed shall prosper.  When we commit to God-sized things, when we pray God-sized prayers, and take God-sized steps of weapon formed against us shall prosper.

With strength and courage and God at our side, we will see GREAT things happen through our sacrifice and our commitment to the vision of life change he has charged us with.  This week, I am praying for strength and courage for each person who is on this journey with the church.  May we do as Joshua did and cross over the river to conquer the opportunity that has been presented to us.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Biblical Design

First off, allow me to give a little shout out to Pat Osowski for putting together our 21-Day Mission Central Project Prayer Devotional Guide.  I'm only in day 3 and am already being both blessed and challenged.

I thought I would take a moment to share some of my thoughts on Day 3 "Giving Worship".  Throughout this entire process, I have reflected upon 1 Chr. 29: 10-20 a lot.  It has certainly been a source of inspiration and instruction for me.  I do challenge every person of Skyline Church to read through that passage and let it speak to you, but also let me challenge you to read a little more of the context.

Take a moment to read 1 Chr. 28 & 29.  There you will begin to see some familiar themes.  David was making preparations for the Temple to be built.  Notice some of the things he does.

  1. He casts vision for what God desired to do. (1 Chr. 28:1-8)
  2. He plans the cost of the project. (1 Chr. 28: 10-18)
  3. He offers encouragement. (1 Chr. 28:20-21)
  4. He challenges the people to both commitment and sacrifice...the same commitment and sacrifice he was willing to make.  (1 Chr. 29:1-9)
  5. He leads the congregation in an intense moment of worship acknowledging the fact that everything we have comes from God and it is His to use as He guides us. (1 Chr. 29:10-20)
Sound familiar?  I am reminded, yet again, today that what we are doing follows a Biblical Design and as we commit our selves to God's guidance, He most certainly can do greater things through our people.

"The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the Lord.  David the king also rejoiced greatly."  1 Chr. 29:9

I am rejoicing in advance for what our entire church family is about to do.  Let us intensely seek God on this journey so that He may guide our hearts in what we are to do in this time.  Let's live radically for Him.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Mission Central Process

This weekend we kicked off The Mission Central Project at Skyline Church.  The Mission Central Project is a spiritual journey that we are taking as a church family that will lay the groundwork for ministry spanning generations.  This period of time is certainly a defining moment for us as a church that will challenge us as a congregation and as individuals.

Throughout this process we will be raising funds that will provide us with the opportunity to acquire land upon which we will build the initial campus of Skyline Church in the future.  That said, it is so much more than an opportunity to raise funds.  It is a spiritual journey through which God will do miraculous things.

The challenge for you is to begin an intentional conversation with God that will involve Faith in Him as our provider.  It will involve a commitment to the Vision of life change.  And it will involve Sacrifice of time, talents, and treasures.

Through this intentional conversation, it is my prayer that, each person who calls Skyline Church home will allow God to further challenge them.  As a family, allow God to challenge you and be willing to follow where He is leading you.

We are asking the church to do three things that will help propel our mission forward.

1.)Begin the journey through intense prayer as an individual and/or family.  Take time to seek God's will through both prayer and fasting.  Devour His Word.  Listen to His still-small voice.  Do this as an individual.  Do this as a family.  I believe it is imperative for families of the church to take this journey arm-in-arm.  Engage God in this conversation as a family.  Bring your children into the conversation and ask God to guide them as well.

2.)As you pray, I believe God will guide you to a commitment of time, talent, and treasure.  Financially speaking, we are challenging the church to make a 3-year commitment of sacrificial giving above and beyond normal tithes and offering.  These gifts can be made via weekly gifts or monthly gifts.  God may even stretch your faith in this commitment, but as we keep God as our Provider in the forefront of our minds...He will show up in ways that will bless our families and our church.  These commitments will be presented collectively during a very special service on May 6th (Commitment Sunday).

3.)In addition to a 3-year commitment, we are challenging the people of Skyline Church to pray about an initial offering we are calling a "First Fruits Offering" that will be given during the three-weeks following our commitment service on May 6th.  Would you seek God in bringing the largest one-time gift you have ever given to Him during this time?  This gift should be considered part of your total commitment during the three-year period.

As you seek God and as you browse through the information that has already been provided, you certainly will have questions.  We want to do everything we can to answer them for you.  Each person should receive an invitation to an "Epic Event" that will take place over the next couple of weeks.  During these events, you will have the opportunity to hear more about The Mission Central Project and you will have a chance to ask any question you may have.  I am asking every person who calls Skyline home to attend one of these events.

If for some reason your family does not receive an invitation by next Sunday, please let me know so we can get an invitation to you.  In addition, if you are unable to attend your specific event we will have another opportunity for you to attend.  Please let us know so that we can get you into another scheduled date.  We certainly do not want anyone to miss out on this opportunity.

Let me thank you in advance for allowing God to move in your heart through this process.  I am praying for Him to do incredible things through your life and as He does, we will see even more incredible things happen in our church.

Let's make our God-sized dreams become reality through Faith, Vision, and Sacrifice.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Epic Weekends And New Chapters

I have spent the better part of this week reflecting on what happened at Skyline Church this past weekend.  Just a few weeks earlier, I challenged the people of our church to make it happen in a BIG way for our Easter service and I cannot express how humbled I was to see that our people stepped up to the challenge.

The energy was high from the moment we opened the trailer door.  The volunteers who arrived early, were primed and ready.  When the crowd began to arrive, the ministries of the church served flawlessly.  As newcomers pulled into the drive, they were greeted with happy hearts.  As the children entered the ARC area, they were loved.  As the band played the first note, Jesus was honored.  As I say "Thank You", every person who experienced that moment says "Thank You".  The people of Skyline, allowing God to move through them, made Jesus famous that day.

We saw our largest day ever in the history of our church.  There were more people in total attendance, more people in the auditorium, and more children in our children's ministry than ever before.  By the time the service was over 320 people were there to experience God's love (238 in the auditorium alone), 82 people in ARC (65 children), and most importantly 11 people gave their lives to Christ.

What a better way to kick off the next chapter in the Skyline Church story!  Two weeks ago, I let the cat out of the bag...We are taking HUGE strides in acquiring land that will become Mission Central for the ministry of Skyline Church.  This weekend we begin "The Mission Central Project" and it will be a journey that none of us will ever forget.

That is exactly what "The Mission Central Project" is a journey of epic proportions as we not only continue to dream God-Sized dreams, but begin to see some of those dreams become reality.  During this 4-week series, we are laying the ground work for our future.  During this 4-week series we, as a church family, will be challenged like never before.

We will be hearing more about the vision of our church and the plans that will make that vision a reality.  I do want to challenge you to keep one thing in the center of your minds and hearts as we begin this journey...OUR VISION IS NOT ABOUT LAND AND BUILDINGS.  THE MISSION CENTRAL PROJECT IS NOT ABOUT LAND AND BUILDINGS.  The journey we are taking together is all about LIFE CHANGE.  The Mission Central Project is about a tool that will help us to make that happen in bigger ways than we ever thought possible.

This 4-week period is not an is a beginning.  It is a beginning of even greater things.  Greater things are still to be done in this city and throughout the world as Skyline pursues the mission of life change.

As you read this, you are to be challenged to prepare yourself and your family.  TOGETHER, we can make this happen.  TOGETHER, with God's guidance and provision, we can make this happen.  TOGETHER!

Be prepared for the challenge that awaits you as we begin "The Mission Central Project".  Pray like you have never prayed before.  Pray for our church as we all seek the sacrifices God is calling us to make.  Pray for your leaders as we provide guidance through the process.  Pray for our city that God opens doors for us to make a difference.  Pray for our world as we are called to go forth and share the Good News.

This journey is about faith in God, who is our source of power and provision.  This journey is about a vision that is bigger than our selves, carrying on a legacy to generations.  This journey is about sacrifice of time, talents, and treasures. TOGETHER we are taking this journey!  I can't wait to take this journey with each of you!  Are you ready?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fixing My Fear

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to share a message that is near to my heart. It was all about the locked doors in our lives. After Jesus' death on the cross, the disciples were full of fear and confusion and uncertainty. What did they do? They did what every one of us have done at times...they locked themselves behind a closed door.

No doubt we have physically locked a few doors in our life to escape the pains of the world, but we have locked them metaphorically as well. I have done that more times than I can count. I hold a lot of fear in my life that I really shouldn't. Specifically, I struggle with the fear of inadequacy and I have tried my best to mask that fear often.  

During the message I shared that I sometimes wish to retreat into my office (if you want to call my basement surrounded by concrete an office) and just lock the door. I do that sometimes just to escape, but I do it primarily so that I can seek God in order that He might "fix" me.

Earlier this week, I got an email from one of our Skyliners that shared an interesting that I truly took to heart.

"When you mentioned desiring to retreat to your office, it made me think that if even though I believe that the Lord is more than able and willing to fix anything that I bring Him, I too would rather He fix me in private. However, were the Lord to fix me where I was hiding, all the things that drove me into hiding would keep me from coming out of hiding and telling about it. I believe the Lord would rather fix me in the open so others can witness His loving redemption."

WOW!!!   No truer words have ever been spoken. While I do still see value in seeking God in a very private way, entering into a closet if you will, this thought stirred my heart. It made me think of two scary words...Accountability and Transparency.

I encourage everyone to seek accountability. Seek people with whom you can be COMPLETELY open and honest with. Seek people with whom you can share your struggles with, your failures with, and your fears with. I personally have three people in my life that fit the bill. My wife first and foremost, but I also have two trusted MALE friends who know everything about my life and keep me accountable putting my feet to the fire if necessary. They counsel with me, pray with me and for me, and are there when I am tempted to lock the door of my heart. Every single believer needs this kind of accountability in their life.

I also encourage transparency. Granted, there are some things you can't be specifically and detailingly (a word taken from Lance's unabridged dictionary) transparent about with every single person. However, I strongly believe that people should understand that we are no different than other people in that we all struggle with or have struggled with things like fear, doubt, guilt, and hurt. If you are a Christian, you are not Superman. You are a human being that deals with your humanity everyday.

Allow God to "fix" your brokenness. There is some privacy needed in pieces of that process, but if those around you can't witness what God is doing in your heart...what good is it for them. As they see God restore hope and purpose in you, they too can understand He can provide the same for them.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Easter Challenge For Skyline Church

I don't know if you guys realize how incredible this year has been at Skyline and the first quarter isn't even finished.  2011 was amazing in and of itself, but 2012 is already shaping up to be the most epic year in the history of our church.  We continue to see new faces.  We continue to see people coming to Christ. There is excitement in the hearts of our church family and I am pumped to see the way all of you are stepping up to make a difference in ministry.

For the first time in our history, we are averaging over 200 in weekly attendance.  In fact, there have only been 2 Sundays this year in which we have not had over 200 people at Skyline to worship the King of Kings.  We have also seen the single largest "non-big-day" Sunday ever when we had 241 people attend on January 29th.  Considering that we averaged 136 in January/February of 2011, that is some amazing growth.

I have said it before and I will say it again....THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!  With that said, it takes every single one of us working together with God to see this momentum of life change continue.

Here's your Easter Challenge.  Never has Skyline seen over 300 people on a single weekend.  Our challenge is to make that happen this Easter.  It's a challenge because we won't be doing it with mass marketing or billboards.  We won't be doing it with TV commercials or radio.  We will be doing it as a church family who are passionate about inviting our friends and neighbors who don't have a church home.

I would like to ask every person who calls Skyline Church home to invite like you've never invited before.  In fact, I challenge you to invite a minimum of 10 people either in person or over the phone to come to our Easter Celebration service on April 8th.  That doesn't mean you can't invite them to come before them (which I encourage you to do), but definitely get them there on Easter Sunday.

The question is "How?"  I will suggest three ways (listed in order of priority).

1.)  Face to Face:  Grab some invitation cards from church and hand it to those you want to invite.  Share with them all that God has done in your life and is doing in our church.  Invite them to experience what you have experienced through Skyline Church.

2.)  Over The Phone:  Pull your cell out of your pocket and open up the contacts.  There is a mission field right in your phone.  Bring up there name, push the button and invite those people to Skyline Church.  Again, share what God is doing and invite them to experience all that He is doing.

3.)  Facebook Invitation:  We have a special Facebook Event that you can use to invite the people on your friends list.  Simply open the event and then click "invite".  Then you can specifically select those you would like to come with you to church.  Notice I did not include the Facebook Event when I challenged you to invite at least 10 people.  I want to challenge you to invite even more on Facebook.  Some of you could extend an invitation to 50 more people or even 100 more people using this tool.

The point is that Easter Weekend holds the potential for more life change than any other Sunday during a given year.  People are more open to coming to church on Easter than any other Sunday.  It is a weekend where we celebrate our reason for living the life we live and worship the true and living God. Don't you want the people in your life to experience the love of Christ?  This is your time to really make a difference.

Two things I don't want them to miss out on.  1.) The saving message of the cross that can change their life for eternity.  2.) The exciting things that are just on the horizon at Skyline Church.

God is preparing to do some unbelievable things through us.  We are seeing our God-sized dreams becoming reality, even more so in the coming weeks.  Be excited about what He is doing!  Be passionate about what He is doing!  Share what He is doing!  Let's do our part and watch how God moves!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pulled In Too Many Directions

This morning I have a feeling that most of us share all too frequently..."AHHHHHHHH!".

Yesterday, I took the day off.  I wish it were because my children were home from school for a holiday (which they were).  I wish it were to spend time with my wife.  Instead, I had a date with my bed and the epic movie "Ben Hur".  I had caught a "bug" and spent the entire day covered up in a quilt while dozing in and out.  I think I caught all the high points of the movie in between naps.

Regardless, this morning I find myself a bit overwhelmed by what was already a calendar filled with meetings, tasks, and my weekly to-do's.  Take away one of the days and a hectic week gets compounded seemingly exponentially.  How in the world do I do all of this?

The answer to that question is simply, "I don't have to."  Certainly, I might be able to...but in the grand scheme of things, the world will not come to an end if every task on my checklist doesn't get marked off.

In all actuality, it is not a question of "How do I do all of this?", but more so a question of "How do I go about all of this?"  I believe a hectic life has to be addressed intentionally and purposefully without hefty expectation of being able to walk on water.

I don't have the market cornered on dealing with a stress filled hectic schedule, but I do try my very best to address my life intentionally and purposefully.  Sometimes, God helps me get it all done.  Sometimes, there are still things that go undone and the world has yet to come to an end.  In fact, God still does amazing things in both my life and my ministry despite my occasional inability to complete every task on my list.

I try to IDENTIFY everything that could or should be done during the week.  There is a difference between "could" and "should".  Some things have to be done, some things truly need to be done, then there are those things that could be done.  If something has to be accomplished or needs to be accomplished, those move up on the priority list.

It's important that we PRIORITIZE.  I personally prioritize each day.  Biting off my schedule in chunks makes it easier to digest.  After plugging in the "has to be" and the "need to be" done's, I am free to fill the rest of my day with what "could be" done.

When it is all said and done, I have to REALIZE.  I have to realize that I can't always do it all.  If I am intentional about making sure what should be done gets accomplished and I maximize my time with the could be done's...what is left is....well, It's ok.  I can only do so much.

Just this morning I was readying a blog written by a friend who has been experiencing some of these same feelings.  He said this in his conclusion,

"... today really helped me take a deep breath and turn over to God what belongs to God… FUTURE EVENTS. The only thing that I need to be focusing on is my effort. Because at the end of the day all I can do is all I can do, and all I can do is enough. The rest is up to God."

All I can do is enough.  The rest is up to God.  No truer words have ever been spoken.