Friday, June 15, 2012

Blessing and Tragedy Causes One To Think

I hope there is enough signal down here to upload this...Here goes!

This is the last morning at the campsite. Lucas is still asleep and I find myself in the company of a campfire and God's Word. It has been an incredible week filled with both wonderful memories and tragedy. Most things I wouldn't trade for the world, one thing I wish we're not reality.

Landen and Heath retired early to Grandma & Pa's leaving Lucas and myself alone for one last night in nature. It was a blessing because I was able to have some deep and timeless conversation with my son about manhood and being a man.

My boys are growing up to be men and I don't want to waste any time. Landen and Heath are still learning the fine art of trout fishing. Lucas is close to grasping the intricate details. Lucas got his first knife this week and learned the pleasures of whittling by the campfire. Landen and Heath are still a bit young for a razor sharpened blade, but their time will soon come....all be it to soon.

My children are growing up and this week was a reminder of that through both the memory of a camping trip and the tragic loss of a friend.

Yesterday morning the world lost a shining light in Sarah Roberts Hart. While it has been many years since I last spoke with her, I dare say she was still that same caring and loving person she always had been. As evident by the outpouring of praise for her on Facebook, I feel confident she was still a difference maker through her heart and kindness.

Her life was taken from her by someone else. Random and reasonless I can only think, but her murder certainly causes one to think.

Life is short. It can end at any moment. For some it may come in the end stages of life. For others it may be lost in illness or accident. Still for others, life can be snuffed out due to evil. Regardless, the fact remains that we are not guaranteed one moment.

With that thought in mind, we all should consider a commitment to make every waking second count. The world owes us nothing, but for those of us in Christ, we owe it the responsibility to make a difference.

That difference should be made in the hearts of every man, but even more so in the lives of our children. Sarah leaves behind a husband and three beautiful children. No doubt she imparted to them her heart in the short time she was with them, but let the living never forget to make the most of the time we have with them.

My yearly camping trips with my boys (and my dad) are always a blessing. But this year, the trip went from a blessing to high yielding investment. I am reminded how important times like these are in the lives of my children. More than that, I am reminded of the importance of the mundane.

Our investment can not be made a few times a year. It must be made in the daily adventure of life. I am not guaranteed one more moment with them, therefore I should make the most of every moment with them.

Prayers of thanksgiving for Sarah's life are going up right now along with prayers of peace and strength for her family.

Deut. 6:4-9

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