Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stewardship Of My Time

I'm looking at my weekly to-do list this morning and there is only one word to describe what I see....FULL. In the secular work place and in ministry, the rigors of the job can be demanding at times. Granted there are moments where the to-do list isn't quite so large, but more often than not it is just as my week this week....FULL.

Not discounting the "other stuff" that life demands, just the work week itself seems almost insurmountable. Balancing life and career really is tough sometimes, but it can be done and done well to the benefit of your employer and your family.

Granted, I don't have the market cornered on this, but I thought I would share some thoughts on time management with you today. I look at it as stewardship. Just as God has given us resources to steward through giving, saving, spending, and enjoying....I also feel that God has given us the time we have to steward as well. Here are some practices I utilize when stewarding my time.

Note: Quiet time and personal Bible study are the first thing every day. You will not see them in the following points as they are non-negotiable for me.

1.) MAKE A LIST: What is it you have to get done this week? Be specific with the task at hand. Include everything that demands a piece of your time. Each week I write down a "to-do" list. After my quiet time on Monday morning, it is the very first thing I do. On my list I put big things like meetings or out of the ordinary tasks. On my list I put small things like sending out Thank You cards, dropping an email to our team or church, phone calls, etc. I also put specific family events as well.

2.) PLAN: What tasks need to get done on what day or what time of day? Some things are very specific with time and date such as a meeting or a scheduled phone call. Other things are part of my routine. For instance, any assimilation (first time guest follow-up, statistics, etc.) I do is always done on Monday. Therefore I plan them on Monday.

3.) PRIORITIZE: Some things are a must to get done in a given week...some things are flexible. Plan them as such and prioritize. Do the most important tasks first. Mark them off the list. Work your way down. At the end of the day, if something doesn't get done that is more flexible in nature...don't sweat it. Keep first things first.

4.) WORK AHEAD: If a day goes really good and I blast through my "to-do" list for the day, I move on to what I can do for the next day. When this happens, it allows me to free up more time for my family (which is most important btw).

5.) OVERTIME: I don't care what what business you are in...long work hours can be part of the picture. If at all possible don't neglect the family here. I have fallen into that trap myself and I have seen the impact on my marriage and my children.

I understand that some people simply don't have control over this aspect of your week, but if you do....let me suggest something that will require sacrifice on your part, not necessarily your family. There are times when the typical office hours simply won't cut it and you need the extra time to get the job done. If at all possible, don't take that time away from your family. Get up an hour or two early......wait until the kids go to bed, but never forget that your primary responsibilities as a parent or spouse aren't just to provide financially, but to invest your life in them.

6.) UNEXPECTED TASKS: Nearly every week, something "pops up". Maybe it is a phone call request. Maybe it is an email that needs to be sent out. For those of us in the Pastor's seat, it could be a death in the church or someone in need of counsel...The priorities pop in here. For me, people are my business. There are times when something unexpected jumps to the top of the priority list. When that happens, I may have to go back to the drawing board and re-prioritize some things. Remember, keep first things first.

There are also some smaller, insignificant things that pop up from time to time like the occasional email or phone call. A couple of years ago, I learned a tool that is useful for such things called "The Two Minute Rule". If you have a task that can be done in 2 minutes or less....go ahead and do it. Get it out of the way so that it won't get forgotten or pushed so far back on the back burner it never gets done.

7.) REST: Take a break. Schedule a break. Clear your mind so you can focus. Do something you enjoy. Do something out of the ordinary. Get your sleep. Recharge.

In our culture, rest isn't a common practice. When the Bible talks about a Sabbath is talking about a specific day in some instances...but the idea of the Sabbath that God gave to us is so much more than a religious moment. The Bible says that God worked for 6 days and on the 7th....He RESTED. He goes on to say, remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. God wants you to rest. You weren't designed to go 100 mph every hour of every day. We need our rest.

8.) FAMILY: I have said it before and I will say it again....Family, family, family is most important in your life. Prioritize them. Schedule them. Make that time with them happen. Understandably, there are instances where you may have to miss an occasional game or the occasional dinner. Make those instances the exception, not the rule. Your family needs you. Your spouse needs you. Your children need you. Yes, they need your finances, but they more so need your time...your presence.

Again, let me say, I don't have the market cornered on this subject. I am still learning. I will always be learning, but I hope that these few things may just help you out a bit if you are having a difficult time "stewarding" your time.

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