Friday, May 20, 2011

A Letter To My Wife

Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life... A short piece of Proverbs 31. I could no doubt quote the entire scripture of verses 10 - 31 and tell you that it is an exact description of my wife with no fear of embellishment or exaggeration. She is more precious than rubies, I can trust her, she is a hard worker, she is wise, she is kind and I stand and praise her. There are many virtuous and capable women in the world...but she...she surpasses them all.

Today marks 11 years of marriage to this wonderful woman. I would love to shower her with expensive gifts or some crazy trip, but sometimes budget simply doesn't allow that sort of thing. My gift to my wife this year is simple, yet holds value because it is from my heart. It is a letter and since she is the epitome of the virtuosity of womanhood, I stand and publicly praise her today.

Dear Heather,

I love you....Every day of my life I am reminded of how blessed I am to have you. I see in you every single detail of the woman I prayed for for so many years. In all honesty, before I met you, I had nearly giving up hope that I would ever find that perfect girl to share my life with, but there you were. You were, and still are, every thing I could ever dream of.

Your love for me is unmatched. You have shown me time and time again what it means to be patient, kind, caring, and forgiving. Certainly, I have experienced your wrath a few times (and I stress a few) in my life, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Your passion for our family is part of the glue that holds us together. You are uncompromising in your values and are steadfast in your faith, both of which help me to stay right and true.

You honor me as the spiritual leader of our home, expressing your thoughts and opinions...yet having faith in my direction. You are my support in life and in ministry. I know that when things are tough, no matter the circumstance, that you are there. You are there with a shoulder to cry on, with an ear to listen to, and most importantly a pair of knees to pray with. I could not be where God has placed me today if it were not for you. Jesus is my rock, but you are the dirt at his feet upon which my prayerful knees get their support.

Thank you for loving me. Very few people know the whole me, but you do and you love me anyway. Very few people have seen the complexity which is my heart, but you have and you honor me anyway. You have cheered my victories. You have walked steadfast in the struggles. You have forgiven the mistakes. You have earned every ounce of devotion and more that I could ever give you.

I am honored to be called your husband. I am honored to be the father of your children. I am honored to be your lover. I am honored to be your friend. I am honored....period. It is somewhat cheesy to quote Jerry Maguire, but I can not keep from it. "You complete me." When people talk about the better-half, that truly is what you are.

Sometimes when I do something stupid or make a mess, you always laugh and say, "What would you do without me?" The answer frightens me to think of what I would do without you. It frightens me to think of who I would be without you. Without your hatred of high fructose corn syrup and love for whole grain, I would be a fat slob (worse than I already am). Without your diligence in tidiness, I would live in a pig sty. Without your DNA, I might be fatherless. Without your friendship, I would be lonely. Without your partnership, I would be a failure. Without you, I don't know what I would be. I am who I am today because of many things, but mostly because of you and the ministry you have given to me through prayer, love, support, and friendship...I am a man who strives to be all that God has called him to be. I know I may fall short a lot, but daily I'm working on it.....I am so thankful that God called you to be my help-mate.

Sweetheart, no words on paper or in a blog could ever do justice for what you mean to me. No words could describe how incredible the last 11 years (13 counting pre-marriage) have been for me. You are more beautiful now than ever. You are the most wonderful mother ever. You are pure, Godly, honorable, steadfast, holy and any other virtuous word that would honor you as a wife.....YOU ARE. I love you for who you are and who you help me to be.

Happy Anniversary My Love!!!

1 comment:

  1. Patricia Jeffrey, Gallatin TNMay 20, 2011 at 8:14 AM

    Wow. That really took my breath away. Happy Anniversary! You two are beautiful, inside and out. I love you both! Cheers to you and another 100 years together!
