Monday, March 14, 2011

Find Me In The River

Just this past weekend someone suggested a song to me on their Communication Card (Thanks Dennis). I love how music has the ability to really stir someone's heart. Being a musician nearly all of my life, I am no different. As I listened to the song this morning, I found myself reminded of many times in my life where I have been "in the river" as in this Chorus...

Find me in the river
Find me on my knees
I've walked against the water
Now I'm waiting if you please

I will admit that despite the many moments of victory in my life, there have been just as many (if not more) times of struggle...times when I have been walking against the water, trying to do my own thing only to find myself weary and weak. When I was ready to stop, I would be brought to my knees feeling the water rush over me, finally at a place where I could allow myself to be open to my brokenness...

Find me in the river
Find me there
Find me on my knees with my soul laid bare
Even though you're gone and I'm cracked and dry
Find me in the river, I'm waiting here

Our brokenness is present regardless of our openness to it. Often we hold it in trying to avoid the pain. We don't want the suffering that accompanies that brokenness, but healing is only available when it is acknowledged.

I have found that in my worst times of frustration, in my times of struggle, in my times of sin...the only way for me to really achieve victory is by stopping my attempt to move against the current of God's will in my life...dropping to my knees to feel the river of His love rushing over my life, thus opening my eyes (my heart) to where His current wants to take me. Through the pain of my brokenness is found the peace of my healing.

Written by Martin Smith �1995 Curious? Music UK

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