This past weekend I spoke a lot about the idea of sacrifice. A sacrifice could be extreme like selling everything to enter the mission field or something not quite as life altering as adjusting our spending habits. In reality, sacrifice in its purest form, is defined as "giving up something you love for something you love even more."
For Heather and I, it has been a process of restructuring our budget. It has not been a painful process in the least for us, but it does involve sacrifice. Many of your family's are going through some of that same process.
I want to share with you some examples of things people have done to be involved in The Mission Central Project as well as other stories I have both seen and heard about in the past.
For one Skyline family, that decision has come in the form of both large and small sacrifices. "Small" sacrifices have included a monthly gym membership, a subscription to Netflix, switching coffee brand from Starbucks to Foldgers, and a few more little "sacrifices". In their mind, it is more important for their family to impact the Kingdom than to brew Starbucks in a coffee pot. Their decision has also included larger sacrifices such as postponing the purchase of a new car for a couple of years so that the payment could be applied toward The Mission Central Project.
Others have looked at their dining budget to make a difference. Instead of taking their family to a restaurant 2-3 times a week for a meal (which could cost upwards of $50 for a family), they elect to go out once a week. Imagine the difference this could make over the course of three years. $100/wk x 156 wks = $15,600.00...WOW!!!
I have seen people decide to forgo their morning Caramel Macchiato every day. Let's do the math. $4.00 per day x 5 days a week = $20/wk. $20/wk x 156 wks = $3,120.00. Who knew we could invest so much in Caramel Macchiato.
I know people from my past who have went even further as God has led them. I know people who have invested a portion of their retirement accounts, sold extra vehicles, cleaned out their garage for a yard sale. The list goes on and on. Some of these approaches should not be entertained without seeking God, but as God leads we should follow. As I have challenged before, ask God what He desires from you and your family.
Below are a few stories from other churches where people have sacrificed to pursue God's mission in their respective churches. You may find some of them "extreme", but as God leads...he also provides. Maybe these stories will inspire you to seek God in a deeper way than you thought you might.
Ø Dave in St. Charles, MS - Emptied his entire
college savings account (w/two pre-college students just a year/two away from
entering college) in response to the vision and the challenge to
sacrifice. He and his wife believed that it was a necessary step of faith
in order to both be obedient to God's leading and to show their children that
their total dependence was on the Lord.
Ø Single Mom - Living on a limited income and
trying to raise young children, the vision of the church absolutely captured
the attention of a single mom. She prayed, pouring out her heart, telling
God that she wanted to be a part - which she wanted to sacrifice, but needed to
have Him to show her how. She had an ability to bake whole wheat bread
that everyone loved. During her time of prayer, God impressed upon her
that she should bake bread and sell it - something she could do from home,
without taking on another "job." She expected to sell a few
loaves a week at best. Very quickly, as others learned that she was
baking, she had orders for 100 loaves/week! By the end of the three
years, this single mom had given over $25K to the stewardship journey!
Ø Bellevue WA - In a recent campaign, an
elderly couple in the church, who had previously flown beneath the radar,
committed $2M to their church's stewardship journey. The church was
tackling three major projects for children - one locally, one regionally and
one cross-culturally. At their age, they saw this as the opportunity of a
lifetime to embrace God's vision for the church while leaving a legacy that
will last for eternity. They have since completed nearly all their
commitment in actual giving - less than 10 months after having made it.
Ø Rita - From a senior pastor in FL. An elderly lady named Rita, called the office, requesting
an appointment. Rita's husband had passed away recently; both having been
in the church for years. Seemingly a couple of meager means, they had
nevertheless been faithful in serving. Kirk was busy and reluctant to
accept the appointment. He did meet with Rita however, and was
overwhelmed when she explained that the church had had a significant impact in
her life and the life of her husband over the years. In fact, he had
given his life to Christ as a result of that ministry. At the conclusion
of the story, Rita handed Kirk a check for $1M for the stewardship
campaign. Rita and her husband had been living meagerly for years in
order to invest in the work of God at a defining moment.
Ø 14- Year Old Bulls Fan - During the closing
weeks of the campaign, a father was leading his family each evening over dinner
in a discussion and prayer time concerning their family's expression of
sacrifice for the campaign. The 14-yr old son, an avid Bulls/Michael
Jordan fan, had tons of Bulls memorabilia covering the walls of his room.
One evening, the father returned home from work to find the Bulls stuff
mysteriously absent from his son's room. Upon questioning his son, the
father learned that "Jonathan" had taken the jerseys, cards,
basketballs, etc., to the sports collectible shop after school and sold it all!
At the point in the story, Jonathan pulled out a wad of $100 bills.
The father was on his way to becoming furious, asking his son what had
caused him to do such a thing. The son replied by saying, "Dad,
you've been asking us to consider sacrifice - giving up something we love for
the work of God at our church. This is what I love - the Bulls/Jordan
stuff. It's all I had! I am learning that I should be more
concerned about the Kingdom of God than my stuff - this is my expression of
sacrifice." It took a 14-yr old son to drive his parents back to
their knees to reconsider their appropriate expression of sacrifice.
Ø Church in IL - During the vision casting
that accompanied all campaign events, a prominent local businessman sensed God
speaking to his heart about not only a financial commitment, but an ongoing
commitment of ministry service. In response to the compelling vision, the
man and his family made a very significant financial commitment; then took an
early retirement in order to volunteer his services in full-time ministry at
the church! As we talk about another primary campaign objective
being the expansion of leadership capacity, this story is the personification
of that objective. The church has reaped significant benefits by having
this keen business mind on board the staff team.
Ø Jay and his wife are in public school
administration. As leaders in the campaign, they were committed to lead
effectively, i.e., commitment to sacrifice. At their current stage in
life and financial situation, a commitment of $5K for three years was truly an
expression of sacrifice. They saw no way, apart from God's help, that
they would be able to complete a commitment that size. Within one month
after making the commitment, their son was home from college for the weekend
(Ohio State). The son asked Jay if he could borrow the family car to take
his girl friend to the Cleveland Indians game that night. Jay had other
plans, and told the son that he would have to drive his own car - a
"beater" Chevy Cavalier to the game. On the way to the game,
the car was broad-sided and totaled. The kids were not hurt. A few
days later, the insurance company called Jay to say that they had placed a
check for $6500 in the mail. Jay explained that there must be some
mistake; that the car wasn't worth that much. The insurance company
insisted there was no mistake and a couple of days later, the check arrived in
the mailbox. Jay and his wife drove to Home Depot where they were going
to buy several things for the house, etc. As they were getting out of the
car at HD, they stopped, looked at one another, and realized that the Spirit of
God was speaking to their hearts. They had prayed during the campaign
that God would lead them to an expression of sacrifice, and asked God to make
provision. God was providing all they needed, and here they were, nearly
ready to spend it at HD. They got back in the car, drove to the church,
and paid their commitment in full - about six weeks after having made the
commitment. Over the three years, they were cheerfully able to far
surpass the original commitment level in their giving.
Ø CCV (Christ's Church of the Valley) 5th
Grade Student - In a recent campaign follow-up meeting with church leaders, the
senior pastor reported an inspiring story of a 5th grade student who
took the challenge to sacrifice to heart. He committed $2K to be given
over the TWO years of their campaign. At the end of December, he was able
to come to the senior pastor and report that by taking on odd jobs in the
neighborhood, after school, on weekends, and after sports practices, that he
had just completed his entire commitment - 8 months after making it! His
sacrifice was "time" - the time he normally would have spent with
friends, going fun places, relaxing, etc. In those eight months, he
behaved in an "extraordinary manner" for a 5th grader - in
order to focus on a "reprioritized" life that had Christ and the
Kingdom of God in first place. The young man intends to continue his new
habits and his giving to the stewardship campaign, obviously surpassing his
initial $2K pledge.
Ø East 91st St Student Ministry -
The student ministry leadership team spent significant time casting vision and
teaching biblical stewardship during the church's recent stewardship
journey. The students responded with a high degree of passion and
enthusiasm; embracing the vision and wanting to have a significant role in
seeing it achieved. They prayed and determined that rather than making
individual commitments, they wanted to make a "student ministry
commitment;" an expression of sacrifice that would be personally
challenging and inspiring to the entire church family. They have purposed
to "lead the way" by committed $250K as a student ministry, knowing
that even at a young age, they have the unique privilege of leaving a legacy
that will last for eternity!
These examples span a tremendous spectrum, but they communicate different ideas of sacrifice and the creativity that some people use when they are committed to the vision of changed life. Maybe God will allow these stories to inspire you as you seek His will in The Mission Central Project.
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