This weekend we kicked off The Mission Central Project at Skyline Church. The Mission Central Project is a spiritual journey that we are taking as a church family that will lay the groundwork for ministry spanning generations. This period of time is certainly a defining moment for us as a church that will challenge us as a congregation and as individuals.
Throughout this process we will be raising funds that will provide us with the opportunity to acquire land upon which we will build the initial campus of Skyline Church in the future. That said, it is so much more than an opportunity to raise funds. It is a spiritual journey through which God will do miraculous things.
The challenge for you is to begin an intentional conversation with God that will involve Faith in Him as our provider. It will involve a commitment to the Vision of life change. And it will involve Sacrifice of time, talents, and treasures.
Through this intentional conversation, it is my prayer that, each person who calls Skyline Church home will allow God to further challenge them. As a family, allow God to challenge you and be willing to follow where He is leading you.
We are asking the church to do three things that will help propel our mission forward.
1.)Begin the journey through intense prayer as an individual and/or family. Take time to seek God's will through both prayer and fasting. Devour His Word. Listen to His still-small voice. Do this as an individual. Do this as a family. I believe it is imperative for families of the church to take this journey arm-in-arm. Engage God in this conversation as a family. Bring your children into the conversation and ask God to guide them as well.
2.)As you pray, I believe God will guide you to a commitment of time, talent, and treasure. Financially speaking, we are challenging the church to make a 3-year commitment of sacrificial giving above and beyond normal tithes and offering. These gifts can be made via weekly gifts or monthly gifts. God may even stretch your faith in this commitment, but as we keep God as our Provider in the forefront of our minds...He will show up in ways that will bless our families and our church. These commitments will be presented collectively during a very special service on May 6th (Commitment Sunday).
3.)In addition to a 3-year commitment, we are challenging the people of Skyline Church to pray about an initial offering we are calling a "First Fruits Offering" that will be given during the three-weeks following our commitment service on May 6th. Would you seek God in bringing the largest one-time gift you have ever given to Him during this time? This gift should be considered part of your total commitment during the three-year period.
As you seek God and as you browse through the information that has already been provided, you certainly will have questions. We want to do everything we can to answer them for you. Each person should receive an invitation to an "Epic Event" that will take place over the next couple of weeks. During these events, you will have the opportunity to hear more about The Mission Central Project and you will have a chance to ask any question you may have. I am asking every person who calls Skyline home to attend one of these events.
If for some reason your family does not receive an invitation by next Sunday, please let me know so we can get an invitation to you. In addition, if you are unable to attend your specific event we will have another opportunity for you to attend. Please let us know so that we can get you into another scheduled date. We certainly do not want anyone to miss out on this opportunity.
Let me thank you in advance for allowing God to move in your heart through this process. I am praying for Him to do incredible things through your life and as He does, we will see even more incredible things happen in our church.
Let's make our God-sized dreams become reality through Faith, Vision, and Sacrifice.
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