Monday, April 30, 2012

Giant Slayers

It's hard to believe it, but The Mission Central Project's beginning phase is almost complete.  What a journey it has been!  I can't even begin to express how humbled I am to hear of how God has moved in the lives of Skyline's people.  I have heard stories of God's challenge as people have asked the question, "Lord, what would you have me to do?"

He has been challenging people to sacrifice in BIG ways for the funding of The Mission Central Project and many have chosen to respond to His direction.  He has been challenging people to step up in making a difference in ministry.  He has been challenging people to turn their lives over to Him.  For me, it has been one of the most incredible experiences in ministry I have ever had.  I pray it has been the same type of experience for you as well.

This past weekend, as I spoke about the giants in our lives, I couldn't help but think of how many in our church family are facing some serious Goliaths.  Whether in the financial realm, the personal realm, or the spiritual realm...these giants can cripple us if we allow them to.  That said, I will echo the points of the message from this past weekend.  God grants us victory through faith as we OFFER OUR SELF TO BE USED.  God grants us victory through faith as we OFFER WHAT WE HAVE TO FIGHT THE BATTLE.  And He grants us victory through faith as we BELIEVE THAT HE CAN DELIVER THOUSANDS FROM GOLIATH.....even through our seemingly insignificant nature.

As we approach May 6th and as we pray that question, "Lord What would you have me to do?", I am praying He will urge the people of Skyline Church to make a difference.  I am praying that God would challenge each of our families to step out in faith financially so that we can make preparations for the future.  Even through the seemingly insignificant, God can do mighty things.  It will take every one of this to make this happen by approaching the throne of Grace through Faith and trusting God as our protector and our provider.

The beauty of The Mission Central Project is that this same question, "Lord, what would you have me to do?" is not limited to our financial commitment.  While the leaders of our church have been challenging our people to make those financial commitments, the challenge has been so much more.  It is a challenge that is always at the forefront of EVERYTHING we do and that challenge is to make a difference.

A simple 3-year sacrificial financial commitment does not fulfill our mission.  That is only a piece of it.  As I have stated over and over, it is not about a piece of is about changed life.  These giants we face, that's where the changed life happens.  May we as Skyline Church be so committed to the vision and mission that God has laid before us, that we would stop at nothing to see the power of Christ prevail in the hearts of those around us.

As we move forward with The Mission Central Project, may we step up financially like we never have before...may we step up in ministry like we never have before...may we step up in reaching out to those around us like we never have before.  When we step up and step out in faith in all of these areas, God moves and giants are slain in both our lives and theirs.

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