Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Acknowledgment - An Act Of Worship

So often in our lives, we relegate worship to simply the singing of a song. In reality, the heart of worship is far deeper than that. It is in the act of bringing God to the center of whatever it is that we are doing, whether that is washing dishes or pouring our heart out to Him in focused prayer.

The word worship actually comes from an old english term, "Worthship". Worthship simply means to "ascribe worth to something." That's what worship is all about.

This past weekend at Skyline, our worship pastor gave an invitation for the congregation to participate in a way that is out of the norm in the typical worship service. He simply asked the people to think about their view of God for a moment and acknowledge some of His characteristics that cause them to "worship" Him and then to write that on the back of their Communication Card.

Every week, I take time to read through all of the Communication Cards from the previous weekend. Most weeks, I spend my time praying over prayer requests, following up with first and second time guests, and occasionally answering a question or two. This morning was a little bit different. While there were the typical prayer requests and newcomer cards, I was blessed to be able to read some of those responses to Scott's request during the service.

Some of these responses included quotes and interpretations of scripture acknowledging God's greatness...."His love is deeper than the ocean, higher than the mountains"; "He is faithful and His love never fails"; "He is merciful". Some quoted songs, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come". Others acknowledged the personal nature of God, calling Him their best friend or the one who forgives every sin no matter what.

Some even got very creative, "E=MC2: God out of his unending power created matter. The universe and everything we understand comes from His limitless power."

No matter how you spin it...GOD ROCKS!!! Every aspect of our worship rests upon that fact...GOD ROCKS!!! Whether we are singing praises on Sunday morning, admiring a beautiful snowfall (which has been a regular occurrence as of late), or simply basking in His forgiveness...our worship is all about ACKNOWLEDGING who God is, what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will continue to do. Acknowledgment is where worship begins and ends and I want to challenge anyone reading this to begin each and every day doing that very thing. As an act of worship, ACKNOWLEDGE His great worth in your life!

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