Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter At Skyline Church

We have wrapped up the first part of our journey through "The Story" and it has been incredible to say the least.  I can't wait to start it all up again in a few more weeks.

As amazing as the first part of 2014 has been, it is only going to get better.  Yes, we are taking a break from "The Story", but we are not taking a break from life change.  In fact, we are going to see much more in the coming weeks.

Why?  The Easter season is upon us.  Easter Sunday is the largest attended Sunday of the year world-wide.  Even in a city that puts spring break during Easter is still the largest attended weekend any church in our area will have.

This Sunday you will see familiar faces who may only come a few times a year.  You will see many unfamiliar faces.  You will see family.  You even have an incredible opportunity to invite friends.  People are more receptive to an invitation to Easter services than any other time.

The reason so many will attend Easter as opposed to any other time of year is because of what it represents.  It is the pivotal moment of our faith.  That pivotal moment is not the death of Christ, but HIS RESURRECTION.  What an amazing part of our story!

So let us all prepare for our Easter weekend by doing three things.

1.)  PRAY.  I hope you have already been doing this, but if not...begin NOW.  Pray for those you are inviting to come.  Pray for those who are being invited by other Skyliners.  Pray for God's move in the hearts of everyone there.  Pray for those who serve in ministry (me included) that we may literally be the hands and feet of Jesus to everyone who enters our doors.

2.)  INVITE.  Again, I hope you have already been doing this, but if not...begin NOW.  As I said earlier, people are much more receptive to an invitation on Easter than at any other time during the year.  Leverage that inclination to God's advantage.  Invite your friends.  Invite your family.   Invite your neighbors, your co-workers, your waitress, your grocer, get the picture.  We are having 2 services to make room for them, so let's fill up the OTHS auditorium twice this weekend.

3.)  PARK.  As I just said, we are having 2 services (9:30 & 11:00) to make room for all the new people who will come to Skyline this weekend.  Because of the new people we anticipate, we will need to make room in the parking lot as well.  For those of you who will be present for both services because you are serving in one and worshipping in another...please park in the lot BEHIND THE PANTHER DOME.  Our parking lot greeters will direct you.  There will be another entrance for you. Also, if you are a regular attender who is not going to be present for both services.  You are encouraged to park behind the Dome as well.

The staff and volunteers have been working hard over the last few weeks to prepare for this weekend.  We are ready to serve you and your guests with excellence.  Let's make this Easter the most incredible in our history as a church.

Also, don't forget...I have some INCREDIBLE news to share with you.  Just in case you were wondering, it has nothing to do with our Mission Central property or building.  But I promise that it is some of the greatest news I have ever shared with you.  Don't ask ahead of time because I will not tell.  :)  You will have to remain in suspense until Sunday.  See you then!

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