If I may digress from the very beginning...... It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes (not really), it's dark....and we're wearing sunglasses.....Hit it. (Just for those Blues Brothers fans out there)
Every parent has been there. The trip ahead is long. The travel schedule is tight. You double check to make sure everything is packed and you hit the road with a full tank of gas. But twenty minutes down the highway you hear a small squeaky voice from the backseat. The artillery bombardment commences. The questions.
Are we there yet? How much longer? Can we get something to eat? I suppose after all, that's just part of the journey. It's part of our journey of faith too.
Just like kids on a trip, we get tired of the journey. We want to know when we can stop. We get tired of serving. We get tired of waiting. We get tired of the people we are traveling with.
That's what the children of Israel did on their journey to the promised land. They complained about the food, their destination, their origin, and about their 'driver' Moses.
At one point, they actually made it to their destination. They were on the boarder of the Promised Land. Then they got 2 reports about their future home. One was a fear-filled report from ten spies. The other was a faith-full report from Joshua and Caleb.
It was decision time. Which report would they choose. They were in the right place to make the right decision. But the majority made the wrong one. They let fear overtake them. The people wished they had died in the desert. So God granted them their wish. They would wander further until this unbelieving generation died out.
They wandered for forty more years before they would enter the Promised Land for good.
Our journey as Skyline has been a bit of wandering as well. This weekend we celebrate a decade of ministry. It has indeed been an incredible journey. Certainly there have been ups and downs, but the journey hasn't simply been a decade. It has been a decade of difference.
No doubt, many have asked some of the same questions our children ask on a long journey. Are we there yet? How much longer? When can we stop? There are times we get so caught up in asking those questions that we fail to enjoy the journey itself.
Join us this weekend as we take a look at Chapter 6 in "The Story" and connect it to our lower story of the journey of Skyline Church. We will celebrate 10-years as a church and most importantly, we will celebrate the journey through baptism.
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