Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Story Chapter 2 - And The First Pick Goes To...

Shouldn't this blog post have appeared during our Banner Year series?  I suppose it could have, but this really is one of the most timeless principles of God's heart and can be shared at anytime.  No time is greater than now as we enter in to chapter 2 of The Story.

All the guys are gathered at the playground court.  Some guys are doing their best to drop some 3's.  Others are showing off their hops by performing windmills and 360's.  Each one is showcasing their game.

Captains are chosen and the draft begins.  Who's got game?  Who's going to help our team be victorious?  Do I choose the 20 year old who stands 6'8" or the 18 year old Pete Marivich who has more moves than Michael Jackson?

Everyone watching from the sidelines has anticipated this moment.  Who will be picked first?  Then it happens and every jaw on the playground drops to the floor.  Right before their eyes, instead of the expected young, tall, toned phenom, stands a 75 year old man who is taken with the first pick.  Not exactly what they had pictured for the premium spot on the team.

And yet, this is exactly what God has chosen.  After creation, after the fall and after the flood, his story called for an unlikely man to launch a new nation that would impact the entire world.  As he would say, a nation through whom "all the nations of the earth would be blessed" (Genesis 12:1-3).

Abram stands there at 75 years old, adorned perhaps by a dusty old robe and crowned with wispy white hair and wrinkled skin.  Yet, God chose him to begin His nation.  An unlikely choice for the first pick especially after considering the fact that his wife Sarai (who was pretty old herself) was barren.  How could God expect to start a nation with a couple who could no longer have children?

To complicate the story line further, it will be 25 more years before they actually have a child to fulfill God's vision.  By that time Abram and Sarai (now called Abraham and Sarah) will be 100 and 90 years old, respectively.  But the rest, as they say, is history....HisStory.

The beauty of God is that he picks people that you and I wouldn't necessarily pick first to be part of His story.  In fact sometimes we are shocked at who plays those starring roles.  Unlike the way we do business, he taps people, not merely because of their abilities, but for their availability.  God searches for people who are open to be used by him and are willing to be used for His purposes.  In this way, there is no doubt who is doing to wonder-working.

That is some good news.  You may not have the pedigree.  You may not be a Rhodes Scholar.  You may not be a blue chip athlete or have a lot of money.  But you are still sitting in a pretty good position to be a top pick for God's Work.

Join us at Skyline Church as we dive in to Chapter 2 of The Story as God Builds A Nation.  Skyline Church meets each Sunday morning at 10:15 a.m. in the O'Fallon Township High School auditorium located at 600 S. Smiley St, O'Fallon, IL 62269.

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