It's a scary word. It's an ugly word. It's a word that God HATES! There is no question that scripture surrounding the topic is challenging and even difficult to read, but God's Word is never meant to be easy. I believe with all of my heart that God intends His Word to convict, to comfort, to guide, and to heal. At the root of every verse is a foundation of Grace. Even in the most convicting portions of God's story, there is found forgiveness.
When it comes to the topic of Divorce, forgiveness abounds. Forgiveness must be found within self. Often times we move on, yet we harbor guilt and pain of mistakes we may have made. As we have sought God for forgiveness, we must also forgive our selves. Others also cause us pain and suffering in divorce and just as God forgives us, we must be willing to share that same amount of forgiveness with them.
One of the topics we touched on in the sermon, was the idea of adultery. Jesus was clear that in cases of adultery, divorce is permissible. Realizing the pain and betrayal, it is perfectly understandable why someone would want to dissolve the marriage. With that said, I want to share the same challenge I presented in the message. Stand Firm! Even if adultery has entered the picture. I know it’s tough. I know it hurts, but when Jesus said that in cases of adultery, divorce was permitted…He didn’t say it was required. Even though you are free to leave, God is the God of forgiveness and he can work a miracle in your relationship today if you both will let Him.
I have seen marriages completely destroyed by adultery, but I have also seen God do some incredible things when a husband and wife are willing to forgive and move forward. Irrespective of the reason, God's desire is to see His union remain. It is His desire to heal, to forgive and to work a miracle.
He shares this heart through the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11. His heart is for reconciliation. I do certainly understand that reconciliation may seem impossible in some cases, but through God all things are possible.
If reconciliation is not possible, we can not live in the past and we must move on with our future. However, if reconciliation is possible...WHAT A TESTIMONY OF GOD'S GRACE!
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