January 2nd, 2012...the old year is gone and the new year is upon us. It's time to turn over a new leaf. Ok, so I am beginning the year off with a cliche. I am indeed the master of cliche's because for the most part cliche's are what they are because there is a lot of truth lying within them.
This is the time of year that most of us become resolute, firmly resolved, determined, or set in purpose to accomplish something in our life. For all of us that means something different. Maybe it is to lose weight, quit a habit, be more positive, get back into church...what ever resolution that may exist in your heart right now. The sad truth is that most of these resolutions fall short, which leaves us feeling defeated and weak, not empowered or enthusiastic.
You very well may find yourself with the mindset of one Facebook poster who said, "It is a proven face that most every New Year's resolution will be broken within three weeks so I say, "Screw It and Pass the Cheesecake". Why bother, right? What's the point?
The point is that we all have a burning desire inside of us that begs us to be better than we were. We all have a yearning to move forward in life and to make a difference in this world. After all, that is the essence of what God calls us to everyday. I quote the Apostle Paul when he said in Philippians 3:12-13, "I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead..."
That perfection is what we are in pursuit of. Though unattainable by human means, our pursuit of that perfection is what causes us to become resolute this time of year. My heart for all of us is that our pursuit would not be a stumbling block for us or an event that causes us to take a step backward, but something that helps us move forward. The truth is that our pursuit of perfection is not attainable by living in the past...only in moving forward. Certainly learn from your past as not to repeat the mistakes therein, but your life is in front of you.
Just a few quick pointers for making resolutions that really do count:
1.) Make them realistic! In 2012 is your resolution to lose 150 pounds....that's tough. What about 40 pounds or even 15 pounds? Rejoice in the little things because a lot of little things add up to HUGE things.
2.) Choose resolutions that make a difference! Does it make a difference in your character? Does it make a difference in someone else's life? Or does it simply feed your ego and greed? Do you really need to make more money or do you need to make a difference? Do you really need that promotion or do your kids need their daddy?
3.) Make a resolution that makes an eternal difference! Don't just make a resolution to go to church. Make a resolution to become the hands and feet of Christ. Jesus didn't call us to go to church. He called us to become like Him. What step of faith is He calling you to? Is there a ministry opportunity you need to be part of? Is there someone you need to invest in?
4.) Keep the list short! Don't bite off more than you can chew. If you have a list of 100 things you want to accomplish in 2012, you will be lucky to get 10 percent of them done. If you have a list of 4 or 5 things to accomplish, there is a good chance you may be able to do them all. If you burn through the list, there is no law that says you can't make a list of mid-year resolutions.
5.) Share your list with someone! Accountability is a great tool whether it is in your walk with Christ or your New Year's resolution list. Give that person or persons the freedom and responsibility to ask you about your progress and even your struggles.
Your resolution(s) could include one or all of this little pointers, but in any case make your resolution fruitful for your life and the lives of others.
To keep in line with number 5, I thought I might share with you my resolutions for 2012.
1.) Spend more "fun" time with my wife and kids.
2.) Read a minimum of 1 book per month
3.) Read the Bible completely
4.) Lose 30 pounds
5.) Lead at least 3 people to Christ personally (not counting Sunday Mornings)
There are so many other things I would like to do in the course of this year, but these 5 things I believe will help me more than anything else to be all that I can be for God, my family, and my Church. Granted, just because this list is my resolution list doesn't mean I won't be working on a few other things along the way, they just happen to be at the top of my priority list of things I want to be better at. Feel free to keep me accountable in these things.
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