Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Easter Dive

I have been reflecting this morning on post Easter expectations. Easter Sunday is unquestionably the BIGGEST Sunday worship service that most churches will have year in and year it should be. Easter is the reason for our season....the season of our life. As the song goes, "You lived, you died, you said in three days you would rise. You did...You're alive...." HE'S ALIVE. For that reason alone Easter is a BIG DEAL.

But what about 1 week removed? I have seen churches double in size only to find that attendance goes right back to where it was in the first place. I suppose it is human nature to only come to church on the big days (Easter/Christmas) out of obligation or to make them feel as though they have done their good deed...but I think there is something more to it and this falls on our shoulders as a church.

As I prepare to say this, I will echo what Rick Warren posted on twitter recently, "Don't be discouraged pastors...The huge crowd you had at Easter won't be back this week. It's not that 1 week high!" That is true whether we like it or not. Wouldn't that be awesome if that same crowd and even more would be back? The truth is it won't, but the Easter Dive doesn't have to be as drastic as it has in the past.

I would be naive to think that because I post this that miraculously every person's church who reads this would benefit tomorrow morning, but I believe easing the Easter Dive is a process that takes time. It is done through creating a culture within your congregation of continual evangelism/outreach. We have sort of programmed our people to "bring 'em in" on the big days whether it be a holiday or friend weekend or some cool series...I believe that is a portion of the problem.

While listening to a Perry Noble podcast a few weeks ago, he said something that I continually need to be reminded of. I am not quoting it, but in a nutshell this is what he said. We don't have one or two big weekends a year at New Spring, we have 52.

As a pastor, am I creating a culture of excellence in my church so that people are pumped to bring their unchurched friends and family each and every weekend? As a leader, am I giving every ounce of passion I can to do ministry the best that I can so that people are impacted for Christ every weekend? As a volunteer, am I committed to being there and being great for the cause of Christ every weekend? If my pastors, my leaders, and those who serve the church are doing everything they can to create a compelling environment through which the Gospel message of Christ is shared in a relevant way, am I bringing people in to hear the Good News every week?

The Easter Dive is what it is and on some level, it will always be what it's always been. Again, it's human nature, but if we really are being all that we can be for Christ, it doesn't have to be everything that it is. Easter is a BIG deal because it represents the beginning of our faith....Easter 1 week removed...just as important because it represents the living out of that faith. Are we living it?

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