I have spent the better part of the morning in a mode of thankfulness. When we arrived in January, I was (to use a good southern term) "chompin' at the bit" to hit the ground running and make an impact in our community. We spent our first month at Skyline casting vision of Big Dreams for God and challenged people to own that vision along with us. I can't tell you how excited I have been over the last few weeks to visibly see that very thing happening....people owning that vision of "Epic" proportions.
I wanted to take a few seconds to share with you some of the things God has been doing over the last 4 weeks. Over the last 4 weeks, we have averaged over 160 people each weekend. To some of our readers that may not seem like a lot, but as I look over the numbers from the past at Skyline, I do not see a 4 week period of time where that has happened in recent years (outside of the Easter season). I have seen our Skyline family inviting their friends and family and in turn those friends and family inviting their friends and family and so on.....Nothing pumps me up more than seeing the love and vision of our church spreading.....nothing that is but changed life. In March, we also saw seeds beginning to sprout as 5 people crossed the line of faith and gave their life to Christ...."Can I get a witness?!"
You say, "Well, it's not about numbers Lance!" I reply, "Are you crazy?!!! It's absolutely about numbers!" Every one of those numbers represent a person. Every one of those numbers represent a soul that Jesus died for. Every one of those numbers represent a person that God has called us to reach....numbers represent people and if people matter to God, then those numbers matter to God!!! Praise God for those numbers!!!
God has given our church momentum. We spent a few weeks in January and February preparing the soil, laying the foundation for what was getting ready to take place and we have now entered the season during which we will begin to plant seeds. This is a time of challenge for all of us because this cannot happen with just a few. It takes every one of us.
Easter season is upon us and now is the time for the seeds of life change to be sown. Before any harvest, the seeds MUST be planted. Guess who gets to plant them....you, me, all of us. Easter is only the beginning, but every move of God has to start somewhere....so let it begin.
I want to challenge each of you to not just maintain the momentum that God has given us, but add to it. Let our momentum grow and as our momentum grows we become a steamroller for Jesus leaving a lasting impression for the Kingdom...(please do not envision a bunch of flattened people in our wake) Let our church become a juggernaut that spreads the love of Christ. Spread the seeds of love!!! Spread the seeds to your friends. Spread the seeds to your family. Spread the seeds to your co-workers, your neighbors, your Wal-mart checkout lady, your gas station attendant.......Spread the seeds!!! Share what God is doing through your church...More importantly, share what God is doing through you and in you. We spread the seed by sharing the Good News!!! Do you have Good News to share? I do and I will do everything in my power to share it with anyone and everyone I can.
This weekend, we will have invitation cards available for you...take as many as you want and more and "share" them. Give them to people face to face. Leave them for people to find. Bless someone and hand it to them without saying a word. Share them and tell your story of what God is doing.....use them as a tool to spread God's seeds as we prepare for the harvest.
Another opportunity you have is coming up on Saturday, April 16th. We will be distributing 5,000 door hangers in the O'Fallon community. More seeds....some will fall on hard soil, some will fall on rocky soil, some on thorny ground, but some will fall on the soft soil and God can use that little piece of paper to bring someone to a place where they can experience God in a very real way. ALL HANDS ON DECK!!! Don't miss out on this opportunity to serve along side of your Skyline family to make a difference.
The most important thing you can do....PRAY...prayer is like fertilizer when it comes to seeds of faith. For those you personally invite, pray for them. For those your other Skyline family members invite, pray for them. For those who receive a door hanger, pray for them....and pray for God to move in a mighty way...We may plant the seeds, but it is He who gives the harvest.
What is around the corner for Skyline Church? Two Words....LIFE CHANGE!!! Life change will happen as more and more people are exposed to the love of God through Skyline. Life change will happen as you become more of the person God has called you to be. Life change will happen as we sow seeds together and allow God to make them grow....
I can't wait to see what is getting ready to sprout up at Skyline Church!!!