Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thoughts and Challenges For Skyline Church

I have spent the better part of the morning in a mode of thankfulness. When we arrived in January, I was (to use a good southern term) "chompin' at the bit" to hit the ground running and make an impact in our community. We spent our first month at Skyline casting vision of Big Dreams for God and challenged people to own that vision along with us. I can't tell you how excited I have been over the last few weeks to visibly see that very thing happening....people owning that vision of "Epic" proportions.

I wanted to take a few seconds to share with you some of the things God has been doing over the last 4 weeks. Over the last 4 weeks, we have averaged over 160 people each weekend. To some of our readers that may not seem like a lot, but as I look over the numbers from the past at Skyline, I do not see a 4 week period of time where that has happened in recent years (outside of the Easter season). I have seen our Skyline family inviting their friends and family and in turn those friends and family inviting their friends and family and so on.....Nothing pumps me up more than seeing the love and vision of our church spreading.....nothing that is but changed life. In March, we also saw seeds beginning to sprout as 5 people crossed the line of faith and gave their life to Christ...."Can I get a witness?!"

You say, "Well, it's not about numbers Lance!" I reply, "Are you crazy?!!! It's absolutely about numbers!" Every one of those numbers represent a person. Every one of those numbers represent a soul that Jesus died for. Every one of those numbers represent a person that God has called us to reach....numbers represent people and if people matter to God, then those numbers matter to God!!! Praise God for those numbers!!!

God has given our church momentum. We spent a few weeks in January and February preparing the soil, laying the foundation for what was getting ready to take place and we have now entered the season during which we will begin to plant seeds. This is a time of challenge for all of us because this cannot happen with just a few. It takes every one of us.

Easter season is upon us and now is the time for the seeds of life change to be sown. Before any harvest, the seeds MUST be planted. Guess who gets to plant them....you, me, all of us. Easter is only the beginning, but every move of God has to start somewhere....so let it begin.

I want to challenge each of you to not just maintain the momentum that God has given us, but add to it. Let our momentum grow and as our momentum grows we become a steamroller for Jesus leaving a lasting impression for the Kingdom...(please do not envision a bunch of flattened people in our wake) Let our church become a juggernaut that spreads the love of Christ. Spread the seeds of love!!! Spread the seeds to your friends. Spread the seeds to your family. Spread the seeds to your co-workers, your neighbors, your Wal-mart checkout lady, your gas station attendant.......Spread the seeds!!! Share what God is doing through your church...More importantly, share what God is doing through you and in you. We spread the seed by sharing the Good News!!! Do you have Good News to share? I do and I will do everything in my power to share it with anyone and everyone I can.

This weekend, we will have invitation cards available for you...take as many as you want and more and "share" them. Give them to people face to face. Leave them for people to find. Bless someone and hand it to them without saying a word. Share them and tell your story of what God is doing.....use them as a tool to spread God's seeds as we prepare for the harvest.

Another opportunity you have is coming up on Saturday, April 16th. We will be distributing 5,000 door hangers in the O'Fallon community. More seeds....some will fall on hard soil, some will fall on rocky soil, some on thorny ground, but some will fall on the soft soil and God can use that little piece of paper to bring someone to a place where they can experience God in a very real way. ALL HANDS ON DECK!!! Don't miss out on this opportunity to serve along side of your Skyline family to make a difference.

The most important thing you can do....PRAY...prayer is like fertilizer when it comes to seeds of faith. For those you personally invite, pray for them. For those your other Skyline family members invite, pray for them. For those who receive a door hanger, pray for them....and pray for God to move in a mighty way...We may plant the seeds, but it is He who gives the harvest.

What is around the corner for Skyline Church? Two Words....LIFE CHANGE!!! Life change will happen as more and more people are exposed to the love of God through Skyline. Life change will happen as you become more of the person God has called you to be. Life change will happen as we sow seeds together and allow God to make them grow....

I can't wait to see what is getting ready to sprout up at Skyline Church!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Great Pain

For those that know me well, you know that I love to hear people's stories. I am a firm believer that our story is the avenue through which God desires to do His greatest works inside of others around us. Testimonies, both big and small, are important to God because they are the stories that shaped your life.

This week I had a new friend of mine send me a heart touching story (even funny in parts) that I thought was worth sharing with you. I appreciate this story because I know the man that told it and I am thankful it has shaped him the way it has. Enjoy...

"We were living in Decatur and my Dad was on his way to dying. He had lived a great life and followed the Lord as closely as anyone I know. However, I sure wasn't anxious to let him go. At the same time, the dog we had had for 15 years was on the way to the end also. And to beat all of that my car was dying also. Sort of sounds like a country song doesn't it? Well, anyway, Mom had just called and Dad wasn't doing well at all. When I got home from work, I had to hustle to take my dog, Maggie to the vet before he closed because she was going down quickly. About half way to the vet's office my car sputtered a few times and I coasted off the side of the road. I was so down and angry and scared and...you can add to the list if you want. I really didn't know whether to cry or be mad and just cuss. I love to sing even though it has proven nauseating to people around me. Well, I started singing "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever" over and over. When I started I was actually singing it through gritted teeth. After a couple of times through, I gradually started loosening my jaw and my spirit. In a while I realized I was fortunate to have a Godly Dad, and couldn't have had a better pet and was so fortunate to be able to own more than one car. Once we have these things we often feel entitled, but I was so thankful that I had been this fortunate. To make a long story short, the car did start and I got Maggie there before the office closed. Not long after she was gone, Dad was gone, and the car barely made it to be traded in, but I did learn that no matter what, my blessings were far more than my hardships and my pain was only great because my fortune was great. I still didn't sing any better though. I am sure that Maggie was hoping to pass on by about the second verse."

I don't really think there is anything I can add to that. Thanks Dennis!!! I will close by echoing the heart of this story....."my blessings were far more than my hardships and my pain was only great because my fortune was great." You can take that to the bank my friends.....

Monday, March 14, 2011

Find Me In The River

Just this past weekend someone suggested a song to me on their Communication Card (Thanks Dennis). I love how music has the ability to really stir someone's heart. Being a musician nearly all of my life, I am no different. As I listened to the song this morning, I found myself reminded of many times in my life where I have been "in the river" as in this Chorus...

Find me in the river
Find me on my knees
I've walked against the water
Now I'm waiting if you please

I will admit that despite the many moments of victory in my life, there have been just as many (if not more) times of struggle...times when I have been walking against the water, trying to do my own thing only to find myself weary and weak. When I was ready to stop, I would be brought to my knees feeling the water rush over me, finally at a place where I could allow myself to be open to my brokenness...

Find me in the river
Find me there
Find me on my knees with my soul laid bare
Even though you're gone and I'm cracked and dry
Find me in the river, I'm waiting here

Our brokenness is present regardless of our openness to it. Often we hold it in trying to avoid the pain. We don't want the suffering that accompanies that brokenness, but healing is only available when it is acknowledged.

I have found that in my worst times of frustration, in my times of struggle, in my times of sin...the only way for me to really achieve victory is by stopping my attempt to move against the current of God's will in my life...dropping to my knees to feel the river of His love rushing over my life, thus opening my eyes (my heart) to where His current wants to take me. Through the pain of my brokenness is found the peace of my healing.

Written by Martin Smith �1995 Curious? Music UK

Monday, March 7, 2011

Lent: Spiritual or Stupidity?

In just a few short weeks, we will celebrate our reason for living...the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many people in Christendom view this holiday as the "Super Bowl of Christianity". I suppose that moniker is somewhat deserving (though I am certain some would say sacrilegious). Easter weekend typically boasts the greatest church attendance of any weekend throughout the year.

Indeed it is an incredible opportunity to bring people in to hear the Gospel message of Christ. It is an opportunity to have the doors of the church wide open to love on people who may be somewhat reserved when it comes to this whole Jesus thing.

Beginning this coming Wednesday (at least for some) is a period of fasting called "Lent". I will not go into a complete history of the Lenten Holy Days because the history and various observances are too vast to include in a short blog. If you would like more detailed information about the observance, check out Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lent . For simplicity's sake here is a quick definition: "Lent in the Christian tradition, is the period of the liturgical year leading up to Easter. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer — through prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self-denial — for the annual commemoration during Holy Week of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, which recalls the events linked to the Passion of Christ and culminates in Easter, the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ."

I grew up in South Central Kentucky. In my hometown, there was one Catholic Church (which most people associate with Lent). For the most part, if you lived in Russell Springs or Jamestown, Kentucky you fit into one of three categories....Baptist (of all kinds), Methodist, or Pentecostal. Granted many of our Methodist brethren (and sistrens too...)practiced the tradition of Lent, but most of us had never even heard of it.

My first experience with Lent came through a girl I dated in high school. Not knowing much about Catholic practices, I was very inquisitive because of my ignorance. I found the practice of Lent to be both interesting and fruitful for one's spirit. The idea of "preparing" the believer for the Holy Week, while somewhat alien to me, was refreshing.

Over the years, I have learned more and more about this period of "fasting". I have seen people give up many things for Lent; things like chocolate or sodas, TV or video games; things like meat or bread. My favorite of all time though was someone who gave up cursing. CURSING? Come on, shouldn't you give that up anyway.....lol

Regardless of what was given up, the purpose should have been the same, to sacrifice something and replace it with increased focus on God. The sad thing is, that often the observance of Lent has become less of a spiritual discipline and more of a tradition lacking the true purpose behind the act.

Allow me to share this thought with you. If you are fasting without prayer and focus...you are just making your life miserable. In fact, it is just stupid because there is no benefit for either you or the Kingdom. That's what I have seen more times than not, not only during the Lent fast, but during any fast. It is not the act of fasting that is spiritual. It is the increased focus and prayer that helps the believer be prepared for what God has in store.

This Lenten season I want to challenge all believers (especially those in my Skyline family) to use this time to focus on what God has in store for our churches. Regardless of your denominational affiliation, use this time as a time of fasting and prayer for God's move. No matter what you choose to give up, let that sacrifice be a catalyst for your prayer life. Don't just starve yourself of food or entertainment, make room for the nourishment God desires to provide for you as you fast. Multiple times throughout the Bible it is quoted that man does not live by bread alone. That spiritual nourishment that awaits gives you the strength to do what God has called you to do.

Let me close with a challenge specific to the people of Skyline Church. We have been laying the foundation for God's move over the last few weeks. We are fast approaching the seed planting season and while we have been planting seeds along the way...the time is now to begin planting them in vast numbers. As you fast through the season of Lent, let your prayers focus on the soil that these seeds are being planted in...that they are fertile and ready for growth. Pray that the growing season will be rich and fruitful for those hearts in which the seeds are planted, that God will prepare a harvest that we can not handle if were not for the intervention of the Lord Himself.

Greater things have yet to come!!! I believe that without question. Do you?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Facebook Friends

As I sit here with my laptop, I savor the sweet morsels which are the puffed brown rice treats held together with the gooey goodness of honey, peanut butter, and chocolate (washed down with a glass of milk of course). Who needs birthday cake right?

I look around my life and I have gentle reminders of the blessings God has given me both in the present and the past. Thirty Four years ago, today, I entered this world a slimey gob of messy cuteness (or so I'm told). What a life it has been!!! To think back on the memories of old and to look forward to those that are to come is truly an exciting thing for me.

Today was full of even more reminders of blessing as people from both my past and present extended to me well wishes for a happy birthday. In all, 147 people said Happy Birthday in one form or another on Facebook. I thought it would be fun to see who could be the most creative and allow others reading this post to enjoy a few of the comments. Here are the honorable mentions.

Chris Sue Allen for poetic expression: "Hope your Birthday gently breezes into your life all the choicest of things and all that your heart holds dear Have A Fun- Filled Day.”

Kristen Kanaskie for a classic pig latin expose: (148 people now) "Appyhay irthdaybay, irsay."

Ronnie Foster for his offensive approach (just kidding lil bro): "‎58, 59 this year? Which is it? Happy Birthday man. Miss ya."

Jeff Anderson's non-conformists view: "I refuse to be a comformist and wish you a Happy birthday...I will however wish you semi good day for you old man..."

Gregg Regula's Short, but Sweet: "In honor of your birth."

Tony Pulley's make Lance's Head Swell (though I do truly appreciate it bro): "what a day today is the day that God brought a man into this world to lead his people to his kingdom.GOD IS GOOD................ALLTHE TIME hope you had a blessed day keep driving on see ya soon"

But the winner with the most creative expression of Birthday Well Wishing for Lance's Birthday (yes third person) goes to My Drummin Brotha From Anotha Motha....ERIC WIMBERLY....Words cannot express....so take a watch (I hope you do not find it offensive).

All joking aside, I do thank each and everyone of you for your heartfelt birthday wishes. I am also thankful for the medium from which they have flown.....Kudos for Facebook. I don't know if you have ever taken time to think about it, but without Facebook there are many names and faces that we would have completely lost contact with over the years and likely would have never seen or heard from again.

As I scroll through my friends list (who knew I knew over 700 people)(oh...149 well wishes), I can remember moments that I have shared with nearly everyone....some good, some bad, but all worth remembering because each and every moment is a moment that shaped me to be the man I am today.

Oh how thankful I am for those memories and each person that I share them with. It would certainly be an awesome thing if we were all able to make more and more of those memories again together, but the sad thing is that we won't (at least most of us). That's part of life. People grow, they move, they meet more people, they continue to make new memories.

I suppose the whole point of my rant is for all of us to be thankful for those people in our past for they help shape you. As we do that, I want to challenge all of us to cherish those friendships that we have right at our feet.

The society in which we live, lends itself to the deterioration of friendships. Friendship is so important...why do we neglect it so? Often, we lean on the past and cherish those moments through our facebook friendships. As wonderful as it is to have those relationships, they can not (for the most part) be there when the chips are down.(150 wishes now)

I believe that is why God places people directly on our path as we journey through life's road...to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.

I love the passage of scripture in Ecclesastes, “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

We need friendships in our life. Cherish those in the past. Nurture those in the present. Bless all who have ever influenced your life, because without them you would not be who you are today and will not become who you will be tomorrow.

Thanks again for the love on this special day of my life. Ahh 151 Birthday Wishes....from my buddy Lance "Deuce" Hammond: "Happy Birthday, Lead Pastor/bass master" I think he is talking about the instrument, not the fish.......badump shhhhhhhh

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Angry God

I must admit that I tend to focus my heart on my God who loves me, my God who cherishes me as His own, my savior, my redeemer, my friend...I would guess that most everyone else does too. I was reminded this morning that both the beautiful thing and the scary thing about my God is that He is multi-faceted and not unidimensional.

I think every one of us likes the idea of the forgiving God who looks past our idiocracy. In fact anything to the contrary might "offend" someone, however as caring as my God is there is another side of Him that is just as real, but often overlooked (most of the time intentionally) and that is the side of His "anger" or "displeasure" with man kind.

Ok, now you're thinking....Lance is going OT on us and I suppose your assumption would be correct because these thoughts spawned from my study this morning in Jeremiah 25. For me, verse 27-28 were almost poetic (I suppose anytime you mention the word vomit in connection with something scriptural, it seems poetic for me because of the metaphor it creates), "Then the Lord said to me, "Now tell them, 'This is what the Lord of Heaven's Armies, the God of Israel, says: Drink from this cup of my anger. Get drunk and vomit; fall to rise no more, for I am sending terrible wards against you.' And if they refuse to accept the cup, tell them, 'The Lord of Heaven's Armies says: You have no choice but to drink from it..."

That's a pretty vivid picture for me that even though a person might refuse to acknowledge God's anger or displeasure, it doesn't negate the fact that it is real and can have serious consequences.

So, is the idea of God's anger "Old Testament"? According to scripture it is both New Testament and beyond...

Romans 2:7-9, "He will give eternal life to those who keep on doing good, seeking after the glory and honor and immortality that God offers. But he will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves, who refuse to obey the truth and instead live lives for wickedness. There will be trouble and calamity for everyone who keeps on doing what is evil - for the Jew first and also for the Gentile."

Ephesians 5:6, "Don't be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the anger of God will fall on all who disobey him."

Revelation 14:9-10, "Anyone who worships the beast and his statue or who accepts his mark on the forehead or on the hand must drink the wine of God's anger. It has been poured full strength into God's cup of wrath."

Wow, that's harsh!!! But it is His Word. Don't get me wrong, I am a GRACE guy, but scripturally one can not ignore the anger of God and the consequences of such. In my opinion, those of us who ignore this characteristic of God (myself included at times) are those people mentioned by the apostle Paul in the Roman epistle at chapter 6. "Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it?...."

Granted, there can be much debate over the consequences as one weighs out God's anger vs. grace. There are many opinions to this matter. The purpose of this blog is not to stir up that debate, but only to challenge all of us to take greater consideration for God's anger. Do we anger God?

I don't know how many times I have heard people talk about how our country "angers" God, but think on this...Shouldn't it begin with me....you....our churches....then maybe our country? Does my life please God or does it anger God? Does my family please God or anger God? Does my church please God or anger God?.....etc, etc.

Regardless of whether you can answer yes or no to any of those questions, they are questions worth asking. Before we cast blame or accusation anywhere, is it not fitting to first assess from the inside out. I believe it is.

Maybe you will ask yourself those questions, maybe you won't....if you do, please keep in mind the following because it ultimately rests in this fact because God's wrath is always detoured with repentance and Grace.... 2 Corinthians 12:9, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weakness, so that the power of Christ can work through me." Repentance + Grace = The Power To Change The World.