Thursday, February 10, 2011

Important Info For Skyline Church This Week

Each and everyday I get more and more excited anticipating what God is preparing to do through the Skyline Church family.  Below are just a few things I am PUMPED about as we press forward on this journey together.

1.)  We just wrapped up our "Epic" series and man was it ever EPIC.  As the weeks progressed, I began hearing more and more stories of how God was already impacting people through our vision of Loving God, Loving Others, and Making a Difference.  People have been sharing how each message has impacted them and driven them to take steps of faith.  Some of those faith steps have included becoming involved in specific ministries, others have been to leap into God's plan for their life and make an impact in their community, and still others have shared how they have been honored to be part of people outside of the Skyline family crossing the line of faith.  Greater things have yet to come!!!!

2.)  This weekend, we will be starting a brand new series called "Wii Ones".  This series is going to be life changing for many in our church family and those who will be checking out Skyline for the first time.  At Skyline, kids are a HUGE part of our vision for reaching our community and this series will focus on our impact in their lives.  If you have anyone who is in your circle of life that does not have a church home and has children of their desperately need to get them to O'Fallon High School on Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m.  I am already praising God for the impact He is going to have through this series of messages.

3.)  Kudos goes out to everyone who has signed up to be part of a Connection Group this semester.  Overall, there are a total of 71 people who are part of a group this time around.  That is AWESOME!!!  The best thing is that there are even new faces to the Skyline family that are checking out groups so that they can be connected on a deeper level.  Let me challenge you to let the group experience become a major portion of your life because it is the place where we really learn to Do Life Together and it is a great place for newcomers to make those connections that give them a place in their new church family.  I am looking forward to what God does this semester, but even more so to what He will do in the coming semesters at Skyline Church.

4.)  Don't miss your opportunity to be a blessing to our community this weekend.  We will be meeting in the parking lot of O'Fallon High School at 1:00 p.m. this Saturday afternoon to "Kiss Our Community". This outreach is designed to simply show God's love to people in our community in a practical way.  We will be passing out small bags of chocolate kisses to people around O'Fallon in an attempt to put a smile on their face and give them a small reminder that God loves them and we do too.  I can promise you it will be as big or bigger of a blessing for those who take part.

5.)  Easter is just around the corner.  If you recall in the "Epic" series, I mentioned that during the first part of this year we were working toward laying the ground work for our journey together and that we would begin planting more seeds than ever before.  We will most certainly do that through our corporate outreach, but your challenge is to sow those seeds individually as well.  You are the most powerful form of marketing God uses to introduce people to His Son and His Church.  Begin planting those seeds for your friends, family members, and your co-workers to be part of the Skyline Family.  We are praying for over 200 people to be part of our Easter service and there is no reason why that can not begin right now. I have seen nothing but enthusiasm from our church family since I have been at Skyline and now is the time to let that enthusiasm spread so that the word will begin to spread of what God is doing through Skyline Church.

6.)  Ok so this may not be that important for the Skyline Church family, but here goes....special prayers for those Steelers fans in the Skyline family.  Granted, I was indifferent to the outcome of the Super Bowl, but it was an AWESOME game to watch.  Congrats to those Cheesehead fans out there and for you who belong to the Steeler nation....Better Luck Next Year!!!

Live Radically,

Pastor Lance


  1. Thanks Lance! This Steeler fan needed those prayers! ; )

  2. great stuff. I have always tried to figure out what those common ground characteristics are in church ministry, and I think you nailed them here!! Thanks!! Looking forward to seeing everyone today and tomorrow!!
