So often in our lives, we relegate worship to simply the singing of a song. In reality, the heart of worship is far deeper than that. It is in the act of bringing God to the center of whatever it is that we are doing, whether that is washing dishes or pouring our heart out to Him in focused prayer.
The word worship actually comes from an old english term, "Worthship". Worthship simply means to "ascribe worth to something." That's what worship is all about.
This past weekend at Skyline, our worship pastor gave an invitation for the congregation to participate in a way that is out of the norm in the typical worship service. He simply asked the people to think about their view of God for a moment and acknowledge some of His characteristics that cause them to "worship" Him and then to write that on the back of their Communication Card.
Every week, I take time to read through all of the Communication Cards from the previous weekend. Most weeks, I spend my time praying over prayer requests, following up with first and second time guests, and occasionally answering a question or two. This morning was a little bit different. While there were the typical prayer requests and newcomer cards, I was blessed to be able to read some of those responses to Scott's request during the service.
Some of these responses included quotes and interpretations of scripture acknowledging God's greatness...."His love is deeper than the ocean, higher than the mountains"; "He is faithful and His love never fails"; "He is merciful". Some quoted songs, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come". Others acknowledged the personal nature of God, calling Him their best friend or the one who forgives every sin no matter what.
Some even got very creative, "E=MC2: God out of his unending power created matter. The universe and everything we understand comes from His limitless power."
No matter how you spin it...GOD ROCKS!!! Every aspect of our worship rests upon that fact...GOD ROCKS!!! Whether we are singing praises on Sunday morning, admiring a beautiful snowfall (which has been a regular occurrence as of late), or simply basking in His forgiveness...our worship is all about ACKNOWLEDGING who God is, what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will continue to do. Acknowledgment is where worship begins and ends and I want to challenge anyone reading this to begin each and every day doing that very thing. As an act of worship, ACKNOWLEDGE His great worth in your life!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Important Info For Skyline Church This Week
Each and everyday I get more and more excited anticipating what God is preparing to do through the Skyline Church family. Below are just a few things I am PUMPED about as we press forward on this journey together.
1.) We just wrapped up our "Epic" series and man was it ever EPIC. As the weeks progressed, I began hearing more and more stories of how God was already impacting people through our vision of Loving God, Loving Others, and Making a Difference. People have been sharing how each message has impacted them and driven them to take steps of faith. Some of those faith steps have included becoming involved in specific ministries, others have been to leap into God's plan for their life and make an impact in their community, and still others have shared how they have been honored to be part of people outside of the Skyline family crossing the line of faith. Greater things have yet to come!!!!
2.) This weekend, we will be starting a brand new series called "Wii Ones". This series is going to be life changing for many in our church family and those who will be checking out Skyline for the first time. At Skyline, kids are a HUGE part of our vision for reaching our community and this series will focus on our impact in their lives. If you have anyone who is in your circle of life that does not have a church home and has children of their desperately need to get them to O'Fallon High School on Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m. I am already praising God for the impact He is going to have through this series of messages.
3.) Kudos goes out to everyone who has signed up to be part of a Connection Group this semester. Overall, there are a total of 71 people who are part of a group this time around. That is AWESOME!!! The best thing is that there are even new faces to the Skyline family that are checking out groups so that they can be connected on a deeper level. Let me challenge you to let the group experience become a major portion of your life because it is the place where we really learn to Do Life Together and it is a great place for newcomers to make those connections that give them a place in their new church family. I am looking forward to what God does this semester, but even more so to what He will do in the coming semesters at Skyline Church.
4.) Don't miss your opportunity to be a blessing to our community this weekend. We will be meeting in the parking lot of O'Fallon High School at 1:00 p.m. this Saturday afternoon to "Kiss Our Community". This outreach is designed to simply show God's love to people in our community in a practical way. We will be passing out small bags of chocolate kisses to people around O'Fallon in an attempt to put a smile on their face and give them a small reminder that God loves them and we do too. I can promise you it will be as big or bigger of a blessing for those who take part.
5.) Easter is just around the corner. If you recall in the "Epic" series, I mentioned that during the first part of this year we were working toward laying the ground work for our journey together and that we would begin planting more seeds than ever before. We will most certainly do that through our corporate outreach, but your challenge is to sow those seeds individually as well. You are the most powerful form of marketing God uses to introduce people to His Son and His Church. Begin planting those seeds for your friends, family members, and your co-workers to be part of the Skyline Family. We are praying for over 200 people to be part of our Easter service and there is no reason why that can not begin right now. I have seen nothing but enthusiasm from our church family since I have been at Skyline and now is the time to let that enthusiasm spread so that the word will begin to spread of what God is doing through Skyline Church.
6.) Ok so this may not be that important for the Skyline Church family, but here goes....special prayers for those Steelers fans in the Skyline family. Granted, I was indifferent to the outcome of the Super Bowl, but it was an AWESOME game to watch. Congrats to those Cheesehead fans out there and for you who belong to the Steeler nation....Better Luck Next Year!!!
Live Radically,
Pastor Lance
1.) We just wrapped up our "Epic" series and man was it ever EPIC. As the weeks progressed, I began hearing more and more stories of how God was already impacting people through our vision of Loving God, Loving Others, and Making a Difference. People have been sharing how each message has impacted them and driven them to take steps of faith. Some of those faith steps have included becoming involved in specific ministries, others have been to leap into God's plan for their life and make an impact in their community, and still others have shared how they have been honored to be part of people outside of the Skyline family crossing the line of faith. Greater things have yet to come!!!!
2.) This weekend, we will be starting a brand new series called "Wii Ones". This series is going to be life changing for many in our church family and those who will be checking out Skyline for the first time. At Skyline, kids are a HUGE part of our vision for reaching our community and this series will focus on our impact in their lives. If you have anyone who is in your circle of life that does not have a church home and has children of their desperately need to get them to O'Fallon High School on Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m. I am already praising God for the impact He is going to have through this series of messages.
3.) Kudos goes out to everyone who has signed up to be part of a Connection Group this semester. Overall, there are a total of 71 people who are part of a group this time around. That is AWESOME!!! The best thing is that there are even new faces to the Skyline family that are checking out groups so that they can be connected on a deeper level. Let me challenge you to let the group experience become a major portion of your life because it is the place where we really learn to Do Life Together and it is a great place for newcomers to make those connections that give them a place in their new church family. I am looking forward to what God does this semester, but even more so to what He will do in the coming semesters at Skyline Church.
4.) Don't miss your opportunity to be a blessing to our community this weekend. We will be meeting in the parking lot of O'Fallon High School at 1:00 p.m. this Saturday afternoon to "Kiss Our Community". This outreach is designed to simply show God's love to people in our community in a practical way. We will be passing out small bags of chocolate kisses to people around O'Fallon in an attempt to put a smile on their face and give them a small reminder that God loves them and we do too. I can promise you it will be as big or bigger of a blessing for those who take part.
5.) Easter is just around the corner. If you recall in the "Epic" series, I mentioned that during the first part of this year we were working toward laying the ground work for our journey together and that we would begin planting more seeds than ever before. We will most certainly do that through our corporate outreach, but your challenge is to sow those seeds individually as well. You are the most powerful form of marketing God uses to introduce people to His Son and His Church. Begin planting those seeds for your friends, family members, and your co-workers to be part of the Skyline Family. We are praying for over 200 people to be part of our Easter service and there is no reason why that can not begin right now. I have seen nothing but enthusiasm from our church family since I have been at Skyline and now is the time to let that enthusiasm spread so that the word will begin to spread of what God is doing through Skyline Church.
6.) Ok so this may not be that important for the Skyline Church family, but here goes....special prayers for those Steelers fans in the Skyline family. Granted, I was indifferent to the outcome of the Super Bowl, but it was an AWESOME game to watch. Congrats to those Cheesehead fans out there and for you who belong to the Steeler nation....Better Luck Next Year!!!
Live Radically,
Pastor Lance
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
What Do People Really Look For In A Church?
This question has been at the forefront of my mind throughout my entire ministry. What do people really look for in a church? I must admit that we all tend to fall into the trap of thinking that the latest technology and most eye appealing details must be the answer to that question. I suppose on some levels there are people who really are looking for those things on the surface, but I do believe that what they are really looking for lies much deeper than those things.
These things play a huge role in the first impression that people may have in a church. They can certainly tell if things are done with purpose or done as an after thought. They certainly tell a story on the front end that this church either has it all together or this church has absolutely no clue what they are doing, but I also believe that these things only delay the real answer as to whether or not a church really "has" what people are looking for.
There are many things, I think, that people are looking for in a church. I always have to keep in mind that every person and every family possess a different set of values, each and every person/family has a different set of needs. Some people desire smaller churches or larger churches. Some people prefer traditional worship or contemporary worship. Some people prefer high tech and others low tech. With that in mind, I do believe that there are some things that are universal. As I have talked with many people who are disconnected with God's church family and as I have studied "expert" opinion on the matter, I feel as though there are 4 distinct things that both on the surface and with depth people truly are seeking in a church family.
1.) People seek a church that does ministry with EXCELLENCE. Some of the things I mentioned earlier fall into this category. As people arrive at church on any given weekend, what do they see? Do they see a trashy campus? Do they see smiling faces who greet with intentionality? Do they see proper signage? Is the music presented played skillfully (that is a Biblical concept)? Are the services done with order and purpose (again a Biblical concept)? Is the children's ministry inviting, exciting, and loving?
Why do we do what we do? It isn't about me. It isn't about a church member. I heard it once said, that the local church is the only organization in the world that exists solely for those who do not belong to it. God wouldn't have it any other way. The people we serve deserve nothing less than the best we have to offer. Even more so, God deserves nothing less than the best we have to offer. EXCELLENCE is an offering of worship. We may not have much, but He deserves the best we do have to give.
You may not have the latest technology. You may not have the best facility. You may not even have hoards of volunteers to pull off ministry. Keep in mind that EXCELLENCE is not perfection. EXCELLENCE is doing the very best you can with the things that you have.
2.) People also seek a church that is ACTIVE. If I may borrow a phrase from my former pastor, church is not a place where people should go to "sit, soak, and sour". It is not a place at all. It is a people who are the hands and feet of Christ. Jesus never simply sat. He said himself that his purpose was not to be served, but to serve and give his life a ransom for many. Jesus was ACTIVE.
So it must be within our church families. As people come to worship with your church, do they see faith in action. Do they see people making a difference in others who attend a worship service? Do they see the church exist outside of the 4 walls of wherever you may meet? Or do they see a group of people who simply take up 1 or 2 hours of their week listening and singing.
Our call as His people is to GO!!! Our call is to be ACTIVE not only on Sunday mornings, but in every opportunity we have to make a difference in our community and in the world.
3.) People seek a church that is founded in solid Biblical TEACHING. Some would argue that the teaching present in a worship service or a small group or a Sunday school class should be grounded in strict interpretation of Scripture to understand the depth of God's Word. Some would argue that the sole purpose of our teaching should be found in life application of God's Word.
In my opinion, it is both/and. When people come to a church, typically they are seeking answers to life questions. Therefore, it is vitally important to teach from an applicable standpoint. It is important to help people understand how to be the best parent they can be or the best spouse they can be. It is important to help people grasp the concepts of dealing with emotions like anger and fear. I mean, we all have to live life and if the Bible truly is our "life's little road map" should be utilized as such.
The problem lies in the fact that we tend to think that people only desire to have life's questions answered as far as the day to day grind is concerned. On a deeper level, people also come to church with other questions...questions of who God is and what He is really all about. Sadly, we get so focused on life application that we push aside the opportunity to help people understand Scripture.
As they grow in life and their faith, there is a need to grow in both wisdom and knowledge of God's Word. As pastors, our job is simply not to tell people how to live, but also to help people learn to digest His Word for that they can move past spiritual milk and move toward the meat and potatoes.
Our approach to instruction should lie in both Life Application and Biblical understanding. As the chef appointed to help prepare the is our responsibility to prepare a balanced diet for the people who attend our worship services, our small groups, and/or Sunday school classes.
4.) Last but certainly not least, people ultimately are seeking COMMUNITY. I think most people would agree that one thing devoid in our society is the idea of relationships. Not just a Facebook befriending, but deeper, authentic relationship...real COMMUNITY. I believe that this desire has been built into our hearts from the Creator Himself. There is that desire to be with other people because it is not good for man to be alone and there is that desire for a relationship with God.
As churches, there must be specific opportunities created for people to make those connections in COMMUNITY. As one person once put it, we need to create "Sticky Situations" for people who are guests in our church so that they can begin forming these relationships. These opportunities come in the form of ministry events both inside and outside of the worship service. They come in the form of small group interaction. And they come in the form of God's tickling of their heart strings by the power of His Holy Spirit.
He desires for all of us to be in COMMUNITY with Him. He desires that our relationship with both He and His Son go beyond the superficial and move to the meaningful and He desires that our relationships with each other do the same.
Our call as a church is to help people learn to "Do Life Together" in every aspect of life. We need this COMMUNITY in the tough times so that we can weep with those who weep. We need this COMMUNITY in the great times so that we can rejoice with those who rejoice. If not for this need for COMMUNITY, what need is there of the church. It is through COMMUNITY that we truly do become His hands and feet.
I can never begin to claim that I am the be all, end all source of expertise in this thinking, but I do feel strongly that any church can and will grow through life change....if these 4 things are taken seriously and applied to the best of their ability. No guarantees that a mega-church will result, but life change will. After all, isn't that what it's all about.
These things play a huge role in the first impression that people may have in a church. They can certainly tell if things are done with purpose or done as an after thought. They certainly tell a story on the front end that this church either has it all together or this church has absolutely no clue what they are doing, but I also believe that these things only delay the real answer as to whether or not a church really "has" what people are looking for.
There are many things, I think, that people are looking for in a church. I always have to keep in mind that every person and every family possess a different set of values, each and every person/family has a different set of needs. Some people desire smaller churches or larger churches. Some people prefer traditional worship or contemporary worship. Some people prefer high tech and others low tech. With that in mind, I do believe that there are some things that are universal. As I have talked with many people who are disconnected with God's church family and as I have studied "expert" opinion on the matter, I feel as though there are 4 distinct things that both on the surface and with depth people truly are seeking in a church family.
1.) People seek a church that does ministry with EXCELLENCE. Some of the things I mentioned earlier fall into this category. As people arrive at church on any given weekend, what do they see? Do they see a trashy campus? Do they see smiling faces who greet with intentionality? Do they see proper signage? Is the music presented played skillfully (that is a Biblical concept)? Are the services done with order and purpose (again a Biblical concept)? Is the children's ministry inviting, exciting, and loving?
Why do we do what we do? It isn't about me. It isn't about a church member. I heard it once said, that the local church is the only organization in the world that exists solely for those who do not belong to it. God wouldn't have it any other way. The people we serve deserve nothing less than the best we have to offer. Even more so, God deserves nothing less than the best we have to offer. EXCELLENCE is an offering of worship. We may not have much, but He deserves the best we do have to give.
You may not have the latest technology. You may not have the best facility. You may not even have hoards of volunteers to pull off ministry. Keep in mind that EXCELLENCE is not perfection. EXCELLENCE is doing the very best you can with the things that you have.
2.) People also seek a church that is ACTIVE. If I may borrow a phrase from my former pastor, church is not a place where people should go to "sit, soak, and sour". It is not a place at all. It is a people who are the hands and feet of Christ. Jesus never simply sat. He said himself that his purpose was not to be served, but to serve and give his life a ransom for many. Jesus was ACTIVE.
So it must be within our church families. As people come to worship with your church, do they see faith in action. Do they see people making a difference in others who attend a worship service? Do they see the church exist outside of the 4 walls of wherever you may meet? Or do they see a group of people who simply take up 1 or 2 hours of their week listening and singing.
Our call as His people is to GO!!! Our call is to be ACTIVE not only on Sunday mornings, but in every opportunity we have to make a difference in our community and in the world.
3.) People seek a church that is founded in solid Biblical TEACHING. Some would argue that the teaching present in a worship service or a small group or a Sunday school class should be grounded in strict interpretation of Scripture to understand the depth of God's Word. Some would argue that the sole purpose of our teaching should be found in life application of God's Word.
In my opinion, it is both/and. When people come to a church, typically they are seeking answers to life questions. Therefore, it is vitally important to teach from an applicable standpoint. It is important to help people understand how to be the best parent they can be or the best spouse they can be. It is important to help people grasp the concepts of dealing with emotions like anger and fear. I mean, we all have to live life and if the Bible truly is our "life's little road map" should be utilized as such.
The problem lies in the fact that we tend to think that people only desire to have life's questions answered as far as the day to day grind is concerned. On a deeper level, people also come to church with other questions...questions of who God is and what He is really all about. Sadly, we get so focused on life application that we push aside the opportunity to help people understand Scripture.
As they grow in life and their faith, there is a need to grow in both wisdom and knowledge of God's Word. As pastors, our job is simply not to tell people how to live, but also to help people learn to digest His Word for that they can move past spiritual milk and move toward the meat and potatoes.
Our approach to instruction should lie in both Life Application and Biblical understanding. As the chef appointed to help prepare the is our responsibility to prepare a balanced diet for the people who attend our worship services, our small groups, and/or Sunday school classes.
4.) Last but certainly not least, people ultimately are seeking COMMUNITY. I think most people would agree that one thing devoid in our society is the idea of relationships. Not just a Facebook befriending, but deeper, authentic relationship...real COMMUNITY. I believe that this desire has been built into our hearts from the Creator Himself. There is that desire to be with other people because it is not good for man to be alone and there is that desire for a relationship with God.
As churches, there must be specific opportunities created for people to make those connections in COMMUNITY. As one person once put it, we need to create "Sticky Situations" for people who are guests in our church so that they can begin forming these relationships. These opportunities come in the form of ministry events both inside and outside of the worship service. They come in the form of small group interaction. And they come in the form of God's tickling of their heart strings by the power of His Holy Spirit.
He desires for all of us to be in COMMUNITY with Him. He desires that our relationship with both He and His Son go beyond the superficial and move to the meaningful and He desires that our relationships with each other do the same.
Our call as a church is to help people learn to "Do Life Together" in every aspect of life. We need this COMMUNITY in the tough times so that we can weep with those who weep. We need this COMMUNITY in the great times so that we can rejoice with those who rejoice. If not for this need for COMMUNITY, what need is there of the church. It is through COMMUNITY that we truly do become His hands and feet.
I can never begin to claim that I am the be all, end all source of expertise in this thinking, but I do feel strongly that any church can and will grow through life change....if these 4 things are taken seriously and applied to the best of their ability. No guarantees that a mega-church will result, but life change will. After all, isn't that what it's all about.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Snow and Ice
It has been years since I could remember this much snow fall. One one hand, it has been really cool (pardon the pun) to see. Some of my fondest memories of childhood have been that of snow days and sled rides. On the other hand, it has been disconcerting knowing how dangerous road conditions have been and seeing cars demolished or flipped over in a ditch.
I suppose I think more about the latter these days because I am no longer a child, but have my own children. It is funny to me how our mindset shifts as we grow older. We tend not to think about the beauty and fun as much as the danger and precaution.
Though we are still living in TN for a few more weeks, I am constantly checking the forecast for my new home in O'fallon, Illinois. Each weekend, we have a 300 mile trip to complete just to be at church with our new church family ( Snowfall effects everything from our departure time to the attendance in our worship services.
This week, O'fallon is anticipating up to 1/2 inch of ice with another 5-9 inches of snow on top. The snow is enough in and of itself, but ICE....that opens up a whole new can of worms.
As you wake up in the morning to see the ground covered in snow, it creates a certain amount of anticipation. I mean, it is beautiful. The trees are covered, the ground is covered. There is a lot of fun to be had in a winter wonderland such as this, but what about the danger. Beneath the frozen tundra (yes I love football) lies a layer of danger that can bring inconvenience, hurt, and even death in some cases.
I was reminded this morning in my quiet time how this plays out in our own lives sometimes. For the most part, we tend to put our best foot forward for those around us. We tend to paint a beautiful picture for the world to see. It is a work of art that says, "Hey, I've got it all together. My life is A-OK."
The sad part is the reality at times. The image that the picture some people paint (myself included at times in my life) is a farce. What lies beneath the perceived happiness, holiness, and honorable gestures are some things that are apart from the intended perception.
It is the ice in our lives, the things we hide because we do not wish others to know of our humanity, our imperfection, our struggles. For some it is the weakness of our relationships be it friendships, family, or marriage. For some it is the struggles of our doubt. For some it lies in those pet sins that we hold on to hoping no one will ever find out.
As we begin to hide these things from others, what happens is that we can begin to hide them from ourselves and we can begin to ignore what lies beneath the facade. That is where the danger comes in to play. Our unawareness leads us into life proceeding without caution...proceeding without ever trying to remedy the ice that lies beneath.
Our awareness, helps us to truly begin dealing with those things that hold us back from being all that God has called us to be. The things we struggle with are not meant to be hidden, at least not from everyone. Yes, we certainly need to be aware, but we also need to acknowledge those things to both God (which He already knows) and to people we trust and can lean on in the times when the ice is its thickest.
I believe with all my heart that God desires the picture we paint to be beautiful, but He also wants it to be a true representation of who we are and that is a people who are the broken righteous through His GRACE. Without that brokenness, there is no need of that Grace...and without that Grace, there is no hope.
Our brokenness is a piece of the art which is our life, but the masterpiece is made perfect through the Grace which allows the ice to melt away leaving behind God's desire for your life and mine.
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)
I suppose I think more about the latter these days because I am no longer a child, but have my own children. It is funny to me how our mindset shifts as we grow older. We tend not to think about the beauty and fun as much as the danger and precaution.
Though we are still living in TN for a few more weeks, I am constantly checking the forecast for my new home in O'fallon, Illinois. Each weekend, we have a 300 mile trip to complete just to be at church with our new church family ( Snowfall effects everything from our departure time to the attendance in our worship services.
This week, O'fallon is anticipating up to 1/2 inch of ice with another 5-9 inches of snow on top. The snow is enough in and of itself, but ICE....that opens up a whole new can of worms.
As you wake up in the morning to see the ground covered in snow, it creates a certain amount of anticipation. I mean, it is beautiful. The trees are covered, the ground is covered. There is a lot of fun to be had in a winter wonderland such as this, but what about the danger. Beneath the frozen tundra (yes I love football) lies a layer of danger that can bring inconvenience, hurt, and even death in some cases.
I was reminded this morning in my quiet time how this plays out in our own lives sometimes. For the most part, we tend to put our best foot forward for those around us. We tend to paint a beautiful picture for the world to see. It is a work of art that says, "Hey, I've got it all together. My life is A-OK."
The sad part is the reality at times. The image that the picture some people paint (myself included at times in my life) is a farce. What lies beneath the perceived happiness, holiness, and honorable gestures are some things that are apart from the intended perception.
It is the ice in our lives, the things we hide because we do not wish others to know of our humanity, our imperfection, our struggles. For some it is the weakness of our relationships be it friendships, family, or marriage. For some it is the struggles of our doubt. For some it lies in those pet sins that we hold on to hoping no one will ever find out.
As we begin to hide these things from others, what happens is that we can begin to hide them from ourselves and we can begin to ignore what lies beneath the facade. That is where the danger comes in to play. Our unawareness leads us into life proceeding without caution...proceeding without ever trying to remedy the ice that lies beneath.
Our awareness, helps us to truly begin dealing with those things that hold us back from being all that God has called us to be. The things we struggle with are not meant to be hidden, at least not from everyone. Yes, we certainly need to be aware, but we also need to acknowledge those things to both God (which He already knows) and to people we trust and can lean on in the times when the ice is its thickest.
I believe with all my heart that God desires the picture we paint to be beautiful, but He also wants it to be a true representation of who we are and that is a people who are the broken righteous through His GRACE. Without that brokenness, there is no need of that Grace...and without that Grace, there is no hope.
Our brokenness is a piece of the art which is our life, but the masterpiece is made perfect through the Grace which allows the ice to melt away leaving behind God's desire for your life and mine.
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)
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