Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Big Mo Is Spreading

Man what a great first two weeks on the new ministry journey.  I am in awe everyday I wake up thinking about how God is already moving in the hearts of the Skyline Church family and in mine as well.  I have been overwhelmed on a personal level at the outpouring of both love and excitement from our people.  It seems as though everyone is pointed in the same direction and that can only mean one thing....MO.....not Missouri, but MOMENTUM.

On our first Sunday at Skyline there were a total of 175 people who came to worship.  No doubt that included a few people just coming in to check out the new guy in town, but MAN was the place hoppin with energy.  Week 2 was a little scary.  When I received word that the O'fallon area was blasted with 8-10 inches of snow...I started freakin out, but God as he always does brought calm to my heart.  Even with that much snow on the ground and the snow continuing to fall outside there were 138 people there.

Granted it's not all about numbers, but numbers are evidence of excitement and momentum.  As I have issued the challenge to dream God sized dreams and press on toward a common vision to impact our community, God has already started speaking to the hearts of our people.  I have heard story after story of people's hearts breaking for their friends and family who don't know the love of Christ.  I have already heard of people taking steps of faith in sharing Christ's love with those around them.  I have even heard stories of people who are being led to take GIANT leaps of faith for the cause of Christ.

I can't even begin to describe how that makes me know that God is already doing a great work inside of all of us and already doing some great works through us.  I believe with all of my heart that the best is yet to hold on tight!!!

Another sign of great momentum that I have seen is in our Connection Group ministry.  After only two weeks of sign-ups, there are already 60 people registered to be part of a local Connection Group (the most ever to my understanding).  Let me say this....Connection Groups are where IT happens.  That is where we learn to "Do Life Together From God's Perspective".  That is where true koinōnia happens...true fellowship and spiritual intimacy.

Here is the challenge for our Skyline Family...let's not stop at 60...let's move to 80, 90, even 100.  My hope is that 100 percent of our church family will get plugged into one of our groups.  Even more prayer is that each of you will set a goal for yourself to get one person who is not a part of our church family to be part of your group as well.

The small group experience is part of the foundation of our church's DNA and it should be part of your own spiritual foundation's DNA.  Let's make it happen....Grow the Groups....Grow the Groups.

Again, as I see and hear stories of life transformation, I get more and more excited.  I want to hear your story.  I you have the opportunity....don't hesitate to share.  The stories...our stories...are the beginning of God sized momentum and the beginnings of God sized dreams.....GO GOD!!!

1 comment:

  1. For greater things have yet to come / And greater things are still to be done in this City...
