Imagine the scene: a scrawny sixteen year old boy standing face to face with a 9ft giant. The odds are not in his favor.....the giant that is. With one rock and a sling the giant goes down.
You may not have a gigantic giant taunting you to come out and fight, but you are probably facing a few other giants of your own. Giants like the stack of past-due bills are glaring at you. Giants like the divorce papers awaiting your signature or the depression that looms over you like the Hulk. Maybe your giant is low self-esteem or insecurity or child abuse from your past. But you do have your giants and so do I. We would do well to learn from David.
He faced his giant because he trusted God no matter what. When he arrived at the place of the standoff between Israel and Philistine, he talked about God. He told King Saul that, "The LORD who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine." (1 Sam 17:37). He didn't hesitate. He confronted the giant. Goliath came with a sword and spear, but David came with the mighty power of God.
David was God-focused, not giant-focused. He mentions Goliath only 2 times, but God 9 times. He knew the giant was there and he recognized his presence, but his thoughts were twice as much on God and His power.
His focus led him to face the giant rather than run away. Goliath had taunted Israel's army for 40 days. They were fearful and for 40 days they waited...just hoping he would go away. But most giants don't just go away do they? They don't go away until we face them. So David stepped in the gap and defeated the giant.
One thing I can promise is this...After you slay one giant, there might be more to come. As David grew up his giants took on new forms, but one thing remained the same. David continued to trust God no matter what the world threw at him.