Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Life Story

Those of you who know me, know that I love story.  I love the stories of people.  I love to hear the story of Christ in the lives of people.  I want to share with you a story of a friend of mine written free from prose.  Please take a moment to read his story and feel free to share your thoughts....

"Some would say I have walked in darkness, I say, I have been led through it!"  Some would say that I gave up, I say I gave in, & this is what happens when one completely surrenders..." 


It has finally become a reality,
with some honest work, patience, love,
& forgiveness, "Change" is not an impossibility;

It finally became clear,
The "Giant's" in my life were,
"A Closed Mind, a Pharisee's Religion, & Fear"

Abducted by my own lusts & addictions,
No rules, no limits, no restrictions;

Much of my life lived in a panic,
criminal, chaotic & frantic,
Stranded, branded, & abandoned
on an "Isle" called "Manic"

To the metal;

Goin' nowhere fast,
Take "Hostage" & "Tormented"
by "Guilt" & "Regrets" of my own past;

Hiding from "The Son"
Prisoner on the un, because
I deserved to be the condemned one;

The only thing for me to confess,
"Was my utter hopelessness;"

"Bound:" no possible way to get loose,
"To be found dangling beneath
a belt & a noose?"

"Or swallowing just one bullet,
it would be final, quick & complete,"
As always, selfish & self-centered,
only thinking of me;

"Some of this for the purpose of shock
But most, actually not;"

"Addicted, Abducted,
Oh yes, a full blown junkie!"

At times,
the "Strain,"
the "Pain", the "Shame,"
the "Despair," was just too much,
But there was one thing I had to refuse to do,
"I could not, I would not give up!"

What's most important, what I think,
what I believe, or what I feel???
Or could it be all three,
that makes a "Spiritual life,
Fulfilling, Supernatural, & Real?"

For way too long I believed the lie,
"How could God love such a sick, damaged,
dented & demented man such as I?"

How little did I know, "Money Changer's"
of my past, wanted "Complete Control,"
As "Double Minded, Fork Tongued Slanderer's"
slung "Accusations" with "Stones of words & verb's,
shredding the very fiber's of my Tortured Soul;"

"Wearing the title of Shepherd,"
Treating me as a castaway leper;

Labeled me, a "Reprobate,"
Hell, "They don't even know
the difference between love & rape!"

"Prostituting my witness & profaining my name,"
As if through condemning me they would
have something to gain;

Yes, there once was a time,
I let the "Wolves" too close, it was as if,
their "Claws" were wrapped around my mind;

I have found peace by knowing that there is coming a day,
When "they" will "Answer," & "they" will "Pay"

Sometimes the change comes in "Degree's"
When no one else but "God" & "I See's"

In times past; why should I lie?
I begged God, I say I begged God,
"To please let me die!"

But today, I want alllll to know, straight up,
"I drink from the Fountain of Life,
so go ahead drink alllllll you want from my cup;"
"Of alllll the places in the Universe,
The Father to send His Son, "The King"
to heal my heart & to cure my curse;"

Through nakedness, on that Cross,
He bore my sin, He wore my shame,
'Cause even then, somehow, someway,
He knew my name;

The addiction, so deceiving,
Had me bleeding & believing;

It was "Fear" that "Paralyzed" me,
& made it "Impossible" to see;

"That I had been Abducted, by
True Love, Through Pure Blood,